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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. Pics can be found here.. www.stamp.se/smederna/index.php?tid=8&id=237 (click on the picture to view all pics) //NoFear
  2. Testing a new invention called troughpassing ...hehe (need some changes on that invention I think...didn't work at all... )
  3. You can have my job.... ...and my website has been resting for a while...no time to update it. Good luck with you're new cam... // NoFear
  4. Pics from the Nicki, Jagus crasch are up on Nicki's site... (hmm...I also have some pics of Nicki's finger...might appear on the Smederna homepage soon )
  5. Some more pics from Eskilstuna: http://www.nofear-photos.com/senaste/05/gpea.htm
  6. Heat Format at this link: http://www.nickipedersen.com/Files/Billede...RAW_wroclaw.doc
  7. I think the best thing to do is to mail Ticnet and ask where you can pic your'e tickets up....Smederna as a club has nothing to do with the tickets ....It's BSI and Ticnet that takes care of that bit..../ Ola
  8. Ola is a Polish name. I have never heard about people in other countries using it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ...I'm all Swedish... / Ola
  9. Yep.. got tickets... Ol'a even been and picked them up...... tack så mycket! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Varsågod..
  10. The whole thread Ola btw, do you have something in common with Poland? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not that I know of... Why do you ask ? / Ola
  11. The all new Swedish GP site has now been released and can be viewed at this link: http://www.swedishgp.com / Ola
  12. It's about 1 hour by car from Stockholm to Eskilstuna, I don't think there will be any "organized" busses but it's easy to travel by train (45 mins). From central Eskilstuna there will be busses to the arena. Or...this link might help?(perhaps some leftover seats on that buss) http://www.tptours.co.uk/GpTours/TourInfo....5-05-14_Sweden/ / Ola
  13. Accomodation for the Swedish GP in Eskilstuna can be booked at this link: http://www.konferensservice.eskilstuna.se/...$410$ /Ola
  14. salt och vinäger <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The UK'ers should be glad having such a good translator as you are QB
  15. For info , check this link: http://www.speedwayworld.tv/en/news/a4040?...d512f34f6a43b2e Cheers, / Ola
  16. I just found out that the organisers of the Rallycross event suddenly changed the date to May 7 when they heard of the Speedway GP in Eskilstuna...
  17. well bugga me there are few old names from speedway christmas past ..lol good old Ola and the best darn speedway photo jockey on the isles over there conkers.....top stuff i am glad to see you too guys on here thats fab,,,,,,,,,,keep in contact Ola off forum dude i ditched ICQ ages and ages mate just use the old MSN i am afraid. So how the hell are you Ola?, what you been upto dude?. Still doing the pixs for Rally mate? and what about you Conkers still at BV etc. I hear you have a new site what the link mate............well its time for sunday morning brunch here.........speak with you soon.............bye for now <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol...It's heaven and hell over here in Sweden mate....but still hanging in there....And ! ...I'm not a bit conserned that speedway is on the other half of the world.....be good mate !!
  18. Hi Anth. Long time....good to see that you are alive and kicking mate... Cheers. /Ola, NoFear Photos
  19. Pictures to be seen at: http://www.nofear-photos.com/senaste/hedemora04.htm / Ola
  20. Let's us all have a moment of thoughts to all the famillys that lost a friend, son, daughter or whatever....My thought's go to everyone that's been involved in this tragic disaster....perhaps could the forum admin could put up a "comon link" that showes that speedwaymates cares..!?...new thread maybe ? Even better if it could be linked to a "serious" help organisation..... // Ola
  21. I wasn't there myself....but I've heard he had clutchproblems in Bollnäs.... I will perhaps go to Hedemora for the final round of Santa Cup on Thursday and test my new toy: Canon ef 70-200 f2,8 IS USM.... I hear the weatherforecast say +7 degrees....not good Same as last year when there were some rain in the evening and they had to cut down the races because of the soft ice... Here's some pics from last years event: http://www.nofear-photos.com/senaste/hedemora.htm Scores so far: http://www.isracing.net/Totpoängsanta.htm //Ola
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