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  1. I for one am grateful that Scunthorpe are back again for another year. Whether they win or lose is a mute point because normally you are guaranteed a great night of racing. Too many on this forum (across all teams) are negative and critisise everything including general issue related to speedway, that also includes Rob and the management team, but I and every real speedway supporter who goes to Scunthorpe knows that Rob will do everything to keep speedway going irrespective of where it is. Lets get rid of the team blinkers and remember that speedway was and can be again a great family sport where everyone can go along, feel safe and enjoy some excitement on a track that is conducive to racing. Don't keep being negative, it does not help, if you want to critisise offer a solution, it's easy to moan.
  2. Great to read a topic with positive input and encouragement rather than telling everyone speedway is dead like other threads. A great track, great supporters and if they win or not great racing. Keep coming to support your team
  3. You guys on this forum make me laugh, are you real speedway fans. You have a promotion who revived your team after years of no speedway, they run 3 teams in 3 leagues and all you seem to want to do is complain. Teams like halifax and Hull have no such luxuries so stop critising your teams and get behind them. Speedway needs supporters who will be positive and encorage others to come, not convince them its a dead sport11
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