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SaddlebowRoad last won the day on January 22

SaddlebowRoad had the most liked content!

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    King's Lynn

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  1. quite nice for there to be some discussion the forum has been dead for ages
  2. one thing which is predictable is acebelle laughing at a sensible post which doesnt favour his team #whoknew
  3. depends if there is a standout candidate they really want
  4. which puts whoever they are after in a strong bargaining position i expect there is brinkmanship going on behind the scenes
  5. the compost corner/foxhole derbies feel particularly mouth watering this year
  6. you just knew it would be acebelle laughing at this
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2d3r9z25wno.amp
  8. like last year it looks like a concrete top three and spot four very open for the others leicester grabbed that spot with both hands but just ran out of steam at the end, wonder who will do it this year brum have as good a chance as any if their signings click
  9. yep and when he tried to resurrect them at swaffham raceway he seems to promise much but deliver little hopefully its different this time
  10. they are a troll whose sole purpose is to wind people up and get bites best ignored
  11. yep its on lynns site and has been ever since the fixtures were released afaik
  12. im sure the person counting the admission money doesnt think bv's bank holiday lunchtime meetings are silly
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