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SaddlebowRoad last won the day on January 22

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    King's Lynn

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  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2d3r9z25wno.amp
  2. like last year it looks like a concrete top three and spot four very open for the others leicester grabbed that spot with both hands but just ran out of steam at the end, wonder who will do it this year brum have as good a chance as any if their signings click
  3. yep and when he tried to resurrect them at swaffham raceway he seems to promise much but deliver little hopefully its different this time
  4. they are a troll whose sole purpose is to wind people up and get bites best ignored
  5. yep its on lynns site and has been ever since the fixtures were released afaik
  6. im sure the person counting the admission money doesnt think bv's bank holiday lunchtime meetings are silly
  7. clubs dont 'let' riders go they are self employed and can accept whatever offer they choose
  8. absolutely there was obviously a chance bewley might sign however small and however unlikely there must have been some encouragement from his side perhaps he got a better deal out of it once he committed to bv no doubt it happens every winter with many riders and clubs
  9. i suspect they tried every realistic option what is encouraging is that they are trying something different ie not worral sedge or kerr
  10. agree with @AceBelle bv went with tate instead, realistically they were never signing both doesnt mean voulas hasnt potential but tate has more imo
  11. you make a fair point but folk shouldnt be expected to shell out 20+ quid for any old garbage a bit chicken and egg i guess
  12. i go pretty much every week but personally i wouldn't consider myself more of a supporter/fan than those who dont its hard work when your team is gash (as lynn have been quite a lot recently)
  13. but also if theres a chance you are going to struggle or be cannon fodder why would you commit to going every week doesnt make you any less of a fan if you decide against going to every meeting
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