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Everything posted by Youhave2minutes

  1. Thanks for highlighting the real issues regarding the rev etc situation. It’s always nice to hear from an ex rider who is more in the know of how today’s machines work. However I still stand what I’ve seen in the earlier days of more team riding and better control of the bikes, love to see the racing where you could throw a blanket over the four riders as the racing was that close. I feel today it’s gate and clear off. I guess there won’t be any changes even though the injury list will stack up.
  2. I tend to disagree only on the speed issue, riders find it harder to control the bikes on todays U.K. tracks which are not well prepared hence ruts and holes forming and build up of shale. I know circumstances are not likely to change as like everything in this world technology goes forward, but for our sport it creates dire circumstances the riders and supporters both suffer. So it’s a no win situation. Is there any wonder why our sport Is dying a slow death.
  3. It’s down to the track and conditions and the overpowered engines I can understand why the riders are wary riding on a wet surface, it was never a problem with the 2 valves because riders were far more in control of their bikes
  4. Tracks in U.K. are too tight on the bends for the powerful engines, the bigger circuits are fine like Belle Vue. But we all know Belle Vue is an exception.
  5. I know it won’t change but it just goes to show how going forward has made things worst especially in this sport☹️
  6. Well to be honest it stands out a mile to me. I’ve been going from the age of 8 and I’m now 64 and have seen enough to put up and argument over this topic. I’ve seen closer and more overtaking and team riding In races with the 2 valve over todays 4 valve.
  7. I for one certainly enjoyed watching speedway racing with the 2 Valve engines. Team riding was more apparent and riders seem to win races with track craft. Since the introduction of the 4 Valve, the bikes are too fast for today’s U.K. tracks resulting in less overtaking and poor handling of the machines resulting in more crashes and injuries. Your thoughts please, as I’m sure there will be lots of opinions for and against what I have outlined. So for me it’s back to basics. proving speed is not everything if it compromises the racing for the riders safety and the supporters for seeing exciting racing.
  8. So which one of you has got the gun. I heard the word shot mentioned. We can’t have people carrying guns it will be bad in the media if it gets out
  9. Well at least it can’t be said we didn’t try.
  10. That sounds promising, just keeping our fingers crossed. If all goes well will there be a different landlord this time.
  11. Got to build up a good lead prior to those heats, if so all will end ok
  12. Was he that bad. He showed some good form at Poole earlier in the season but tailed off at the end like he did with Leicester
  13. So we now have a wheelbarrow issue, lack of trained operators for the ones we have got,and the biggest problem of all having the correct class 2 licenses which are required with a long waiting list. I’ve got the cone issue covered I’ve seen some on the M11. I think with all these issues I think it’s a job for International rescue, Thunderbirds are go.🤣
  14. They won’t drop him he will be promoted higher up in the team and another rider will drop down surely
  15. I’m not sure you know what s s means? Let me enlighten you see below. stagnant sh.t
  16. To keep the price of the job down, would it be possible to get a Poole fan to supply 3 barrow loads of sand out of the harbour
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