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  1. I had an email from Mike just before Christmas, from Australia. Mike had the occasional second-half ride at Romford and he'd found my Romford Bombers website!
  2. A couple of years ago, I started a Website about the Romford Bombers. Unfortunately, I had to neglect the site for a while but I have recently extensively updated it, with more pictures and information about the West Ham Bombers. For those interested, the site can be seen here: Romford Bombers I am seeking assistance in adding more to the website and would like to hear from anyone who may be able to assist. If you have any old Bombers photo's (ANYTHING not already on the website and especially non-Official photo's) or memorabilia that can be scanned or photographed for inclusion on the website, please contact me through the email link on the website. I'd especially like to find portrait photo's of Adrian Baker, Bruce Edgar, Ron Edwards, Clark Facey, Mike Holt and Brian Read - even the small "thumbnail" photo's that appeared in programmes would be fine. I'd also like to do a "Where are they now" section so, if you know what happened to any of the Bombers riders after the closure of Romford/West Ham - or if you ARE an ex-Bombers rider! - again I'd like to hear from you. Finally, if you are able to provide details of the West Ham Bombers scorers or full heat details for the away matches against Canterbury (25/3/72) and Sunderland (30/4/72) please get in touch! Thanks in anticipation!
  3. Just a note to let those who are interested know what is going on with the Bombers website. I am currently ploughing through archive copies of the Romford Recorder newspaper at the local library in order to put some meat onto the bones of the history of the Club that can be found in other publications. Once all of this has been done, the history section will gradually be added. If anyone has any information on ex-Bombers riders AFTER they rode for Rochester/Romford/West Ham, I shall be interested to hear from you. It would be especially good to know what the ex-Bombers are up to today! If any Bombers riders are out there, please get in touch!
  4. I have been surprised at just how many people have shown an interest in this project! Many thanks to everyone who has contacted me with offers of help. Once I am in a better position to know exactly what I need in terms of statistics, etc, I'll get back in touch. I am certainly interested in any photo's or press cuttings, etc, that anyone might have plus anything a bit more unusual. The Website will be getting its own permanent web address in the near future - I'll post details here. Once again, thanks to everyone for your interest.
  5. I'm building a Website to record the history of the Romford Bombers. The temporary site address is: http://www.aniy04.manufree.net/speedway/index1.htm If anyone can assist by providing statistics, photo's, etc, please contact me through the link on the website.
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