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sjw ministerofport

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Everything posted by sjw ministerofport

  1. The six month booking in advance for Travelodge rooms ends from today. You should be able to book for the gp from 1/12/05. I hope this helps, this is not official yet so just say you are checking if you are asked.
  2. Yes The Cat we have booked our flight from East Midlands, we are going five days to do some sightseeing as well, the flight was only thrity pounds with all the taxes.
  3. We like Bydgoszcz but prefer Wroclaw, the reason for this is that Wroclaw has much more to offer in entertainment and sightseeing, maybe Bydgoszcz is better for the racing.
  4. I think that more and more top foreign riders will not race in the EL. The GP series will need to find a way to allow every rider a chance to enter. All sports and recreation grounds will be in danger from property developers unless the government steps in to stop them (I can't see this happening). Speedway will have to try and change its noisey dirty image to gain new stadiums in built up areas such as towns. I would like to see a return to thirteen heat matches, then a second half with heavily localy sponsered competition for the best riders of the night. The money saved from heat forteen and fifteen going to a winner takes all first prize. And a collection from the crowd for a one mheat winner takes all reserve race. Each team should be encouraged to sign British reserves, their averages not counting to a teams point limit for a least one season. Only through injury or retirement would a team be allowed to change their reserves, but also if they were lucky and the reserve did really well and scored plenty of points the club would not be penalised at the end of the season. Also for each team to be encouraged to try and keep riders for more stability.
  5. I don't like a lot of the rules because when i first started watching speedway the matches were thirteen heats and a second half. One off World finals rulled and i still think that the formular was the best. Now before you all slag me off let me tell you that i still support changes in our sport. Everything has to change to stay up to date and be a benefit to us all. Sky and Benefields want a product that is up to date and fits in with their needs. And so we end up with the GP system, World cup, and EL racing that maybe even though it is not perfect it is helping the sport to grow and is exciting to watch.
  6. W can not make Bydgoszcz this time and will have towatch from home. Hope you all have a great time. Nikki Pedersen Jason Crump Scott Nicholls.
  7. Why was Ivan not with the Belle Vue team touring Russia?.
  8. I think the last twelve months Lee has had to struggle through engine problems and not good health, but in that time he seems to have had to try more from the back as his gating has not been good. Now he seems to be able to gate and come from the back, this must make him a better rider for the future. WELL DONE LEE YOU DID GB PROUD.
  9. The Aussies look a little weak to me but i would love to see GB beat them in the final and also at the second cricket test.
  10. Four GP stars and a track specialist and the team manager all in the hut shouting at the ref down the phone, for what they called was a wrong decision, not in my eyes. I'm British, and for once sensed that my optimistic and very proud love and patriotic being was going to witness something every Brit wanted to see. It was time for our rivals to start finding fault, to blame conditions to blame the ref, to not want to believe that maybe these Brits deserved to win. Sorry but the Brits tried harder took more risks, and when they bounced into the safety fence they got up and tried harder still. I like the Danes, i hope they do well in the run off meeting, i wouldn't want our lads to go to the final and face anything less the strongest teams that could be there. It was great to be at Swindon to take in the atmosphere. It was great to watch the Sky coverage last night. Floppy and NigelP were the stars of the night, and Keith Hewin seemed to have shouted himself horse and seemed to be shaking with joy.
  11. Sure the Danes are strong and it will be a hard meeting but GB will win.
  12. I nearly bought a bottle of vodka until i was told it had cannabis in the bottom don't think the mother in law would have liked it. Had a great time at Prague, loved the GP. Only stayed in our hotel for one night before leaving. The place was not very good and did not have a bar. Found a better hotel but had to pay again. We liked the city but prefeered Wroclaw.
  13. Hope your wrong Ash24. My wife looked at the long term weather on the text and it says sunny intervals for the rest of the week, but you know what weather forcasts are like.
  14. Off to Prague tomorrow can't wait now. 1 AJ 2 Greg 3Scott 4Jason
  15. Every World Champion should be honoured, and not be pulled to pieces to try and make another champion appear superior. As for Ivan and Tony they are both great.
  16. I agree with you every rider should have the chance to get in the GP's. I wondered whether a golden helmet match race system running throughout the top leagues in Europe maybe the answer. The riders who hold the helmet for the longest time qualify for the GP's. The holder has to defend the helmet on each league meeting he rides in against the top scorer of thge opposition.
  17. The new system is showing us just how great Trick is so whats wrong with that. I watch each rider race five times at least and thats what i want to see. Some of the top names will find it hard to get into the top eight places for next year and that will surely add spice to the later GP's
  18. Yes young guns are showing their colours and its great. Having five rides make their situations better. Its the Tony show this year but theirs plenty of interest watching the young ones improve.
  19. I hope Scott can get to the final but AJ at 33/1 seems a great each way bet to me.
  20. If Floppy managed to some how get picked for a full GP place i would be ecstatic, i am sure there would be a larger crowd at Cardiff also.
  21. Thanks FTM, i thought it was the best track at Cardiff so far. Surely over time the construction of these types of track can only get better. Some of the early tracks GP circuit were bad, but i've been to some of the proper tracks and there have been ruts and problems with them. It seems an inherent part of the sport now to moan about the track surface. I want to see GP's back at the big stadiums in Countries where speedway does not exist. THe great thing about Cardiff GP is that it is right in the city.
  22. It was the first time we had arrived on friday evening, but we will be doing the same next year. What a great GP, how can they keep improving a near perfect event. To let the juniors race was a brilliant idea. Jus a mention about the track it seemed the best ever to me all though to slick at the start. As for the new format i love it. Good luck to Trick if he continues to dominate the series, i think the tide is changing for the rest of the top guys. Still didn't meet any forum members that was a shame. Already booked for next year, BRING IT ON
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