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sjw ministerofport

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Everything posted by sjw ministerofport

  1. I dont know what the formula will be, but judging by the standard of the GP's now either way will suit me. Sure i go for the racing but it's the whole occassion thats special for me.
  2. Just booked hotel rooms at Churchills and was told that others had already booked so i hope its right.
  3. 1 Greg 2Andreas 3Jason 4Nicki Hope its as good as Cardiff, those who are going have a great time
  4. Got to say i do like the way the GPs are run, however if you think about it settling for second place is not what races should be about. And now the tacticle way of slowing down to get a easier next race stinks. The old system made it vital to score as many points as you could, the problem being with that is that towards the end of the heats you get riders who's chance of winning have already gone so they don't try so hard. I certainly would like to see the old style qualifying rounds back, give every rider a chance of being in the GP's. But if they don't change the system thats alright by me i will still enjoy it
  5. Thanks for your replies, i will be trying to book our hotel as soon as i am sure.
  6. Has a date been decided for Cardiff 2005,i could really do with finding out as soon as posible due to commitments.
  7. I thought the track was good and the whole night was well organised(very special).
  8. Glad you enjoyed the GP. I had someone who had never been to the speeway before and he thought it was great. About the BBC not covering speedway, i seem to remember that they did not want to know speedway until they had trouble with the cricket coverage and wanted to use speedway as a replacement sport. I think the speedway authority told them where to go. I may be wrong about this though.
  9. I think that Hans took Rune's leg and the ref made the right decission, if it had been the other way around i would have said it was the right decission. The race was terrific up to that moment and yes i like hard racing but Hans must have known that he had put himself in a possition with his action that would allow the ref to exclude him. The only way to stop dirty ridding or hard ridding is to make sure the the refs clamp down on the offenders. Han's action got himself into trouble and out of the GP. The riders will always try and get the refs to change their minds, it seems at the moment though if anything is wrong Nicki comes into the argument, bit like a fox in a hen coup. One thing i was pleased to see was the ref letting the races continue when certain riders had tried to get a roller and were pulling back.
  10. Well said rickmiller, a very good post and one i fully agree with.
  11. He was brilliant, and looked so delighted to have been in the final. I think his first GP win will soon be here.
  12. i'm glad Sam was given the job as i think he is good, but to be honest i couldn't hear him.
  13. We had a great day, the best yet. I don't know any of you forum members but i'm glad you had a great time. We were a bit limited because my wife needs to have her knee replaced in the next few months, and has great difficulty walking any distance. For us though it was very special my sons girlfriend has never been to the speeway before and she loved it. We expected to have to wait in Cardiff for a long time until we could get a cab back to the Churchill hotel but as we walked to the bridge by the stadium the traffic was at a stand still and there were three taxis in the traffic and to my amazement my son asked the nearest taxi driver if he could take us back and he did, so we were back in the hotel bar with in half an hour. It was one of those days when everything clicked into place wonderfully. My wife and i have everything in place to go to Bydgosh in September but it may clash with her operation or recovery, it does not really matter now we have Cardiff to look back on, and hopefully there is always next year.
  14. Ive been to all the Cardiff GPs and loved them all but this was the best one. I was proud of all the Brits but Dave added something special. I was so pleased with all of our riders but Dave has to be blamed for my sore throat and stinking hangover today. A sportsman who entertained magnificently on a very special day.
  15. We have an England flag and a union jack stitched together with the Brits names in luminos orange. We also have ticker tape type party poppers a bugle 3 air horns and a GP flag.
  16. Hope to meet some of you this year at Sams bar. Hope you all have a great time. Sir Lunchalot hope the flu don't spoil your night.
  17. Thanks dickiemint, it looks like staying in the city until it quietens down. Just have to drink more beer,life's hard.
  18. Hi Sting my wife told me about the weather i dare not argue with her.
  19. The Prince of Wales will probably be our stop around five. Looks like the weather is going to be good.
  20. Just wondered whether anyone knows where the nerest taxi rank to the stadium is. My wife is waiting for a knee replacement and has difficulty walking. We have booked the Churchill hotel and need to get a cab back from the stadium. Thanks for your help.
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