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Siggytastic last won the day on March 21 2024

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About Siggytastic

  • Birthday 01/01/1964

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  1. I make it a £37 saving ((13 x £24) - £275)
  2. A spade is indeed a spade and should not be confused with a shovel. Other garden/construction tools are available but they have their own names.
  3. This is on todays Sun website https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/31080768/wembley-stadium-motor-racing-speedway-wreck-locals/
  4. Why have they raised the price? Is it going to cost more to stage the meeting?
  5. You can blame the ref but we need to stay on the bike to finish the race to score points. Gutted.
  6. Another thing about televised meetings that they are so drawn out with seemingly no regard for the spectators watching live.
  7. I always thought that Halifax rider Henny Kroeze got the first league 21 point maximum.
  8. I am surprised it hasn't been reported in the local press but a work colleague was at Foxhall yesterday for the stock car meeting and He said that a wheel came off a hot rod, cleared the catch fence and landed in the crowd, trying at least two people. HSE will be all over it I should imagine.
  9. I hope the events at the stock car meeting yesterday doesn't impact the speedway.
  10. And to think people moaned about not having Emil and Keynan in heat 15 last week.
  11. Probably worried about increasing their averages with easy points
  12. He also said it's his least favourite track in the speedway star Q&A do not expecting much from him.
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