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  1. Just playing with numbers, don't think it's at all likely but would be strong: Harris - 9.07* J Thompson - 5.63* (or JP - 5.51) Boughen - 5.03* Hellstrom-Bangs - 5.00 (or any other superstar 5.00 , Bailey or Borke fit otherwise) D Thompson - 7.36* Foord - 3.90* Hodder - 2.00 =37.99 *Brit reduction
  2. Think you'll struggle to fit 2 more riders in when those 5 already come out to 32.77
  3. I would personally keep him but he will have a 5.51 average next season and if the point limit goes down (or even stays the same) he might be hard to fit in.
  4. Might help him riding a track close to home, think he's been spannering for a glasgow rider (JP maybe) a bit for the last few meetings
  5. Thing is Foord is in the Glasgow pits during meetings fairly frequently watching the meetings, so shouldn't be too much of an issue for him.
  6. I really like James but his away form is not good enough for a 5 pointer and with whatever the points limit is I don't know if you take the risk that he'd improve. Rowe is dependant on Poland, to be honest I think we'll see him at Poole or Oxford due to that. Hodder definetly one to try and grab. Think Vinnie Foord would be good as the other reserve and it seems like he likes our track.
  7. I wonder if the good ex-rider managers would have been just as good managers without their riding experience, don't know how much skill you can transfer from riding to managing.
  8. Glasgow, Belle Vue, Workington, Scunthorpe, Redcar for me. My biggest issue with Manchester is that it can be a bit of an airport sometimes with huge gaps between riders, but when it's good it's fantastic. Glasgow for me edges it because even when there is no passing the riders can still be close together trying different lines and keeping you guessing if there's going to be a move.
  9. I've heard he's been signed, unless Glasgow are moving up and he needs a new club in the championship?
  10. You can, if it's about heat 5 being stopped before it started the ref wanted clarification on if Scott was out as a tac sub or r/r, not that Scott couldn't be out as a tac sub.
  11. Win at Armadale and get the aggregate point against Oxford, so beat oxford 56-34 (or 55-35 and win the super heat). Would then be tied with workington (assuming they beat plymouth) and would come down to who has scored more points this season.
  12. And have Poole steal an foreign rider after Glasgow spent time and effort bringing him over here. Imagine the outrage if Glasgow did that to Poole
  13. Good thing we've been training ours with all the kids races
  14. I meant more the point difference tiebreaker suits Glasgow as they are already leading that. To even get to that stage Glasgow need the aggregate point against Oxford which is why they need to win by a lot. Need to beat Oxford by 21 points (or 20 and win the super heat) and also win at Edinburgh.
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