and they call manchester for rain 🤣 another example of a poor track and meetings cancelled 😡 no matter how wet it was in manchester the meeting was on !! ah well sweeping the water away is like your title dreams down the drain 😉
So are numerous riders over here ? it will only affect us in away matches on Thursday's home meetings are Mondays and it's only 2 matches on Thursday in Poland the other 2 are at weekend sat or Sunday 8 teams in the league
the difference is that was by builders nothing to do with track staff and it's all sorted like we all can see to great effect !! where as Leicester's is every year it's being sorted to no effect by your own track staff !!
According to Met forecast heavy rain today then dry overcast until 3pm tomorrow then few showers forecast and dry at night ? so track will most likely be damp at the least? so gating gloves at the ready 🤔 hoping the Aces get over the line
maybe kurtz/bewley/ Lidsey have been told they are back next season ? they are certainly riding like they confirmed ? i'd also be certain Zischike is signed up ? RS mulford again so that leaves around 9/10pts depending on what team average will be ?? Rew & Voulas maybe ??
In one of those meetings we had Bewley wiped out by fricke in heat 1 it was a racing accident and we had to use injury r/r so really not a true reflection of the score ?