Agree with your points however, we will not ever visit KL again whilst Allitt and Chapman are there. Both cannot be excused for there support of AEPG closing the club and telling the fans over the microphone not to protest but roll over and let the club close.
They did announce at the end of the 2023 season that the air fence had reached it`s end of life, so a new one would have been needed if we had reached an agreement to race in 2024. But obviously AEPG and Chapman made sure we didn`t.
We definitely will not ever go to Kings Lynn again until Allitt and Chapman have gone. Would sooner drive past and go to another club now with Peterborough closed.
Sooner drive past and go to either Mildenhall or Ipswich, never will step foot into KL again while chapman still owns the club, may even try Leicester or Scunthorpe.
Buster is out of Peterborough, he`s took the silver coins from AEPG to feed his beloved KL, for us KL is the nearest track but will never visit that place while Chapman and Allitt are there so speedway will be coming to end for us so we will have to find another sport to go and watch.
We will never step foot in KL unless someone else totally purchases KL so Chapman was not involved, sooner walk away from speedway than go there after this year at the ESOS.
Sorry but if the Panthers move to Saddlebow Road we definitely will not go there. Equal distance from our home Peterborough / kings Lynn but I would sooner drive past KL to go to another track. If Panthers are back at the EOES 2024 then season tickets will be purchased again.
I put on the AEPG Peterborough Facebook the following:
Could AEPG answer the following question please, " have AEPG discussed or agreed with Mr Keith Chapman to not support the Peterborough Speedway to run at the EoES for season 2024 in return for compensation / the purchase of the Speedway Club”
Not had a response but not surprised by that.
Interestingly, the question which did not get asked to Chapman last night was " have you discussed or agreed with AEPG to not support the Peterborough Speedway to run at the EoES for season 2024 in return for compensation / the purchase of the Speedway Club”