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Posts posted by BackInTheDHSS

  1. 22 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    How I get my 'wow' factor is entirely up to me. Watching Lawson, Brennan and Ben Cook against other heat leaders of similar standard is far better than watching Emil half a lap in front of various 'rising stars'.

    Each to their own as long as they still attend.

    Said the person who has to deal with inferior quality racing week-on-week. Nice try, though. It's the second tier for a reason.

  2. 1 hour ago, Fromafar said:

    Apart from Emil and another couple of ‘ superstars’ your watching the same riders racing each other just for different Teams though.

    While I do agree to some degree, at the last count, there were 27 riders in the Premiership that are not racing in the Championship this season. Not all superstars perhaps, but there’s certainly more than a couple and the rest probably consider themselves too good for Championship perhaps. 

  3. On 7/29/2024 at 9:45 PM, Skidder1 said:

    Each to their own. The Prem meetings I have seen on tv or stream haven't produced any more exciting racing than those in Championship - in some cases a heck of a lot worse! Still as many processional races because there aren't so called 'top' riders in every race.

    But as I've said each to their own.

    I think you’re just used to an inferior product at Poole. There’s a big difference between the quality of opposition racing against the Cheetahs and the Spires at Oxford. You’re never going to get the wow factor of watching Richard Lawson compared to Emil Sayfutdinov. 

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Bojangles said:

    Stop bleating on about it. You lost. How about you accept you were beaten by the better team, take it like a man and move on? The rule book didn't 'gift' Glasgow the title, they still had to go out on the track and win it....and that's exactly what they did. The title was won thanks to an excellent signing and some excellent riding.

    Well said. Oxford were also beaten by Tarasenko and Glasgow over two legs, which meant they didn't make the playoff final. In fact, the aggregate score was closer than the final against Poole. However, I didn't see one Oxford fan complaining like some Poole fans - they simply congratulated the Tigers and moved on. It seems some (not all, to be fair) Poole fans love to gloat when they win, but simply can't take it when the lose. 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, lisa-colette said:

    I would be more tempted to use Batch who got 13 riding at 5 when Worky came down or Danny King? Although Drew has done well. And also r/r at home should be ok imo. 

    Not really when most of us didn't get to see it lol.

    Why not? Don't Glasgow stream meetings? 

    Shame there's no fishing emoji.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, szkocjasid said:

    Totally agree with that, basically they dropped Klindt for Riss because they wanted to use Nicholls as a guest for Kerr. The BSPL / SCB should have said no to dropping Klindt when Kerr was injured.

    Riss could've replaced Kerr, then when Kerr was fit he could replace Klindt = no guests needed.

    1 hour ago, DJC said:


    what @szkocjasid said! 

    Not having a full 7 when they have the chance is ridiculous 

    While I do get what you're saying, and it's a good idea to stop it happening long term..... Oxford literally only used a guest in one match, no? A guest for Kerr at home against King's Lynn and then Cook was in for the Sheffield fixture. If they did all of this just to use Nicholls in one match out of a 24-match long season, it's a bit short sighted from the promotion. I wouldn't put anything past Peter Shroeck, but surely even he's not capable of being that incompetent.

  7. 21 minutes ago, DJC said:

    Dropping and not replacing isn't what the question was about? It was can you drop someone and replace them when you have an injured rider and leave the injured one in the declared 7 - which as the dates show, Oxford did. 

    My 'theory' is based on my opinion that you shouldn't do the above and they should have been made to use Riss for Kerr, not Klindt.

    But why should Oxford HAVE to replace a rider who is temporarily injured and will return to the team? Kerr was literally only out of action for the 28 days that Oxford signed Cook for, and then he came back into the team as planned. That's what the 28-day replacement rule was introduced for, and it worked exactly as it should. If Oxford had permanently replaced Kerr with Riss, Kerr may never have been able to come back into the team. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, DJC said:

    I got Riss and Cook mixed up but green sheets shows Riss for Klindt effective 18/4- Kerr broke his ankle on the 11th April.

    They rode at Ipswich on the 18th with Nicholls and Clouting guested 

    Nicholls guested for Ker on the 25th April vs Kings Lynn

    Cook then came in for Kerr 1st May and made his debut at Sheffield.

    So in theory, the change should have been Riss for Kerr on the 18th as he was the injured rider. 

    You can have all the theories you want, but Riss was signed to replace Klindt, and Cook was signed to replace Kerr. Oxford never dropped someone and didn't replace them.


    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, DJC said:

    They dropped Klindt when Kerr was injured and signed Cook to replace Klindt didn't they?

    Nope. They dropped Nicolai Klindt and signed Erik Riss. It was a direct replacement.

    Craig Cook was signed as an injury replacement for Lewis Kerr, who then returned once the 28 days were up.

    • Like 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, Neila said:

    now said that she will pop out tomorrow and bang in double figures! 

    If that happens I'll run round the GT tyres northside arena bollock naked  :blink:  but don't forget she is the ladies world champion  have the pilots got a current world champion in their ranks :unsure:

    9 minutes ago, Steve Shovlar said:

    Yes. Tom Brennan. 

    And Gary Havelock.

  11. A lot of Berwick fans moaning about their team’s performance after saying they would get hammered anyway. You did better than you thought. In fact, you did better at Sandy Lane than every other team (bar Poole, obviously) that’s visited in the league. And with a far from fully-fit Lewis Kerr. Give yourselves a break, the Bandits showed far more fighting spirit than most of the other teams I’ve seen. 

  12. 15 hours ago, J-D said:

    Same for me by saying by replying to someone saying I don’t know what the fans are expecting the management to do. I replied with ‘probably not to weaken the team with every rider change. Quite simple really’

    And in response to who do you suggest they sign  

    ‘Not for me to suggest who they sign but every single change has reduced the team average.

    Simple maths means we are weaker. Previous rules i actually think we were close to the minimum averages’

    These were worthy of being removed. Nothing controversial but obviously someone doesn't like not blowing smoke up the management teams bottom .

    As Ricky Gervais said ’This is the thing about freedom of speech. Everyone agrees with it until you hear something you don’t like’ 

    I just went over the Oxford Speedway Facebook page and 99% of the comments are positive about the team changes. It's more censored than the Russian media! 

    • Like 1
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  13. 47 minutes ago, Bojangles said:

    Paid maximums for Lewis Kerr and Drew Kemp coming up....

    Oxford Cheetahs: 1. Sam Masters, 2. Cameron Heeps, 3. Ashton Boughen, 4. Jordan Jenkins, 5. Scott Nicholls, 6. Luke Killeen, 7. Jody Scott.

    Berwick Bandits: 1. Lewis Kerr, 2. Danyon Hume, 3. Drew Kemp, 4. Leon Flint, 5. Jye Etheridge, 6. Freddy Hodder, 7. Joe Thompson.

    They will have to get maximums for Berwick to have any chance. Big Cheetahs win. 56-34.

  14. 3 hours ago, lbw said:

    The first meeting between Glasgow and Poole since last year's Grand Final with Poole looking to regain the upper hand.

    At the time of going to press we wait to see who Glasgow have in for Steve Worrall but they do track recent signings Matic Ivacic and Jason  Garrad.

    Poole have former Tigers Richard Lawson and Tom Brennan in their ranks with Tom especially going back to show what the Tigers are missing out on.

    Big clash between the Championship title winners.

    Big clash between the Championship title winners and the team that were well beaten.

    Corrected it for you.

  15. You've changed your tune. 
    On 6/5/2024 at 7:41 PM, Wobblywheel said:

    Why on earth is the Oxford track so incredibly dry and dusty again?

    On 6/19/2024 at 2:52 PM, Wobblywheel said:

    To all travelling Poole fans,


    Another dry, warm day. Should be good racing but could be like a sandstorm. Make sure you bring goggles and appropriate plugs to keep the dust out of all orifices!!

    On 6/26/2024 at 8:20 PM, Wobblywheel said:

    I am a long - time Oxford supporter but I think the Sandy Lane raceway should be re - named "The Dustbowl". On the apex of bends one and two, I had a job to see  through the dust cloud who won heat 1.

    Up to heat 6 and no real racing with some riders struggling to stay on. Such a shame because the action is normally superb.

    On 7/1/2024 at 8:14 PM, Wobblywheel said:

    Why did I waste my money to stand in a dust cloud? There is no excuse and it is not acceptable. However, congrats to Chris Holder on the track record.

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  16. 3 minutes ago, Col said:

    Is the track record faster than the Hans Nielsen record that no-one got close to for years?  Or is that null & void as the track is different?

    Yeah, the track is different. It’s wider….so technically there’s a shorter way around now. Not that anybody has got close to Nielsen’s old record still. 

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