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Posts posted by BackInTheDHSS

  1. 12 minutes ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    I said 'usually'!

    That’s true. In the 10 heats he’s been in at Oxford this year he’s only fallen off 5 times. And only once did that result in a destroyed air fence.

    50% falling off rate, 20% air fence destruction. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    It's a forum ffs!! Flippant remarks all over the place!! I wouldn't have said anything if it didn't involve a Poole rider. (Oops a bit of a giveaway there) See another flippant remark!!😇

    If he replaces Vinnie Foord, then Poole will save a small fortune in air fences. Good business.

    Although the be fair, Foord did look significantly quicker than Cairns yesterday. No doubt Cairns has potential, but Foord's going to score more points (if he stays on his bike).

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, LisaColette said:

    That's a different context though. When anyone says 'he took him out' in relation to speedway they don't mean that, as well you know. More like they mean they rode into the side of someone or squeezed them against the fence, took their line etc. There you go a sport definition rather than you twisting words to mean something else. 

    take someone out

    1. tv. to block someone, as in a football game.

    If you want to go down the context route, how about this..... Killeen didn't take him out in the first place! Maybe Mr 'acts like he went to the meeting, but was actually sat at home' shouldn't say things that aren't true. He's got a new name, but it's the same old nonsense.

  4. 2 hours ago, TTT said:

    According to Polish press no wildcards for Poles which rules out the Russian's.

    Doyle, Madsen and Michelsen are in according to the press article as well.

    One of the comments at the bottom of that story is hilarious. The Poles really think they own the sport don't they?

    "It's spitting in our face once again. We should give up organizing tournaments and let them ride on some henhouses and not our stadiums"

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  5. 1 hour ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    Nowhere did it say 'deliberate'!! Since I posted, a couple of fans there supporting Vinnie have used exactly that 'took him out' phraseology on Facebook. Quite usual when the culprit is excluded.

    I think you should look up what 'take him out' means. 

    Wait, I'll do it for you. According to the Collins English Dictionary is means 'to kill, destroy or maim'. Does it really need to the word deliberate to go with it? 

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    No not there, just reporting from Speedway Updates. Killeen excluded.

    4 minutes ago, arnieg said:

    Ron's words:

    "with the drizzle possibly getting worse and making track conditions tricky Will Cairns & Luke Killeen were level round the first bend but Will got slightly ahead of Luke and then out of nowhere Jody Scott went steaming past both of them on the back straight and led into the old pits bend Will looked to move over to the dirt line just as Luke decided to do the same and unfortunately clipped Will’s back wheel and young Will crashed heavily into the fence whilst Luke seemed to be hanging off the back of his machine almost like a rag doll before hitting the air fence whilst his machine kept going for another 20-30 yards into the 3rd turn and demolishing several air panels, it looked horrendous and you could hear the shrieks and screams of the fans not believing what they had witnessed. Will Cairns was down on the track for a long time and then the ambulance appeared and eventually he was carried on a stretcher and placed into the back of the ambulance to then head off to the JR Hospital. The fence was repaired and Jody did win the the rerun in a time of 71 seconds, a good 10 seconds slower than the average so something had to be sorted with the worsening conditions."

    I think that's a fair description.

    But, but, but..... someone who got his facts from Speedway Updates says Killeen took him out. He's surely the one that's right, and not all the people that were there and witnessed the incident? 🤦‍♂️


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  7. 2 hours ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    Cairns off to hospital after Killeen takes him out in the U.19s at Oxford today. Meeting abandoned after heat 16 due to track conditions!!

    Greg Hancock assisting Cairns today.

    Enlighten us, were you there and saw the incident? 

    • Haha 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, szkocjasid said:

    Agree, punching the air in delight would be away to annoy the home fans & far more professional than a rude gesture to antagonise them.

    Plus Thomsen should remember it's Speedway, he may get dropped by Poole & need a new club next year, would this put Oxford off using him?

    Exactly. Chris Harris was getting some stick from the Oxford fans last year, and he rode around with his hand cupped to his ear. Had the same impact without the need for lowering himself to the same level as those few fans. Now he's an Oxford rider! Guess that shows the different levels in professionalism. 

    • Like 4
  9. 10 hours ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    So BSN's comms duo Brannen and Schlein reckon there were some of next season's Pirate riders around helping in the Poole pits tonite!!!

    36 minutes ago, SteveLyric2 said:

    Not all bad then!!🤣🤣 after the abuse some Cheetah 'fans' dished out!!😇

    Were you there or not? You seem to know what was said on BSN and what the Cheetahs fans dished out on bends 3 and 4? Busted. 😃


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