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Posts posted by BackInTheDHSS

  1. 8 minutes ago, Bojangles said:

    Fair point, it was last year, not two years ago. Not sure why that required a 'lol' other than to be patronising. Have some humility and you might be liked more on here. It's definitely 'interesting' that you're glossing other everything else I said, though! And you definitely got the last bit right.

    See @LisaColette, non-Poole fans can admit when they're wrong. If it was the other way around, you'd be trying to argue the passing of time is different on the south coast.

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, LisaColette said:

    Hmm, got you to stop going after Vinnie though :t:


    It was last year actually, not 2 years ago!! lol. You are really basing a lot on the word interesting. It will be interesting because he could get anything between 5 and 12. So I will be interested to see what he gets. You might not be that interested though. 

    I didn't stop going after him. I made my point about how dangerous he is, and there isn't anything else to say. He rode far more sensibly at Oxford, which I stated so at the time, so hopefully he's listening to some sage advice. Many others agreed he's too dangerous (and many others didn't), hence the eight pages on the thread. So far you've just buried your head in the sand about his riding style and offered nothing constructive - which I'm guessing is because you're a Poole fan.

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Bojangles said:

    So - by your logic - we need to compare Lambert like-for-like on a wet track from two years ago (I'm sure nothing has changed in two years, right?), but we have to compare Lambert to Nicholls when he scored six on a dry track? You're making less sense each post! Let's not forget you started this by saying Lambert's inclusion as a guest will make it interesting!

    Anyway, I guess time will tell. I'll remind you of your original post when Poole win by 20+ points. Maybe Lambert will perform a miracle.

    The ability of some Poole fans to not accept when they've said something stupid baffles me. They will argue it to the ends of the earth. I know a lot of them are usually on the wind up, but I think this one was serious! 

    • Confused 1
  4. On 10/12/2024 at 1:56 PM, Gazc said:

    Wherever he ends up he should be encouraged rather than vilified a young kid who clearly has talent but a raw talent.

    Starting a thread questioning if a young kid is dangerous is over the top.

    Being from Paisley, you're probably more acclimatised to danger than us soft people from Oxford.

  5. On 10/12/2024 at 6:28 PM, LisaColette said:

    Yes, but look who started it. Says it all really.

    I have enjoyed watching him at Poole this season, entertaining and edge of your seat whenever he is out. If he ends up with you guys, he'll definitely get a good reception when he comes back down here. 

    What does it say, exactly?

  6. 48 minutes ago, Steve Shovlar said:

    Waving a white flag means surrender, given up, defeated. That’s what r/r signifies.  A team should never give up. Go down fighting.

    I know, but that’s not what you said. ‘Waiving’ means to refrain from using! The ‘i’ completely changed the context of what you were trying to say. English is important.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  7. 43 minutes ago, crescent girl said:

    Dillon has recently shipped all his UK equipment home to USA.  Not planning a return.  Not that this will prevent posters naming him in their suggested squads for the next five months....

    Let’s see if his ‘not planning a return’ philosophy holds up if he gets a call and is offered a full season in the UK. I can understand him not wanting to do it if he gets a call mid-season, but it would be hard to say no if he’s in from the start. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, ouch said:

    Brown envelopes have clearly changed hands especially in the Jenkins/Ipswich case. They’ve put their argument forward (better terms £££) and been given commercial reasons to “poach” him even though he wasn’t a rising star this year, but can be now he’s sign for Ipswich. 

    Completely incorrect.

    1) Ipswich wasn't Jordan's first choice.
    2) In the end Jordan didn't have an option NOT to be a rising star. If he was picked - as he was - he had to be in the scheme.

  9. Nicholls will surely be back. Peter Schroeck has already said Scott has a job for life at Oxford as long as he wants it, and I haven't heard any murmurings of a retirement on the horizon. Yes he crashed last night (and hope he's okay), but he's otherwise still thoroughly enjoying it as far as I know.

  10. 1 minute ago, Arch Stanton said:


    This kind of confirms that the “draft pick” doesn’t really work. They didn’t know if he was going to be eligible for some time so people questioning whether he’d be allowed back on the list are justified. Reading between the lines here and I could be wrong, but Jenkins is hinting here that Birmingham possibly wanted him as they had first pick, but he dug his heels in and in the end got the move he wanted. 

    The draft pick is a nonsense that doesn’t work. Have a rising star list if you must, but let clubs go for whom they want, and let riders ride where they want. 

    Having spoken to Jordan, he didn't think he would be on the rising star scheme again. Therefore his first choice was Oxford, and to be in the main body of the team. But as soon as he knew he would be on the rising star list again - and knowing Oxford wanted to protect Killeen - his focus was definitely on Ipswich. So just goes to show that Birmingham didn't really have a chance of getting him - or Flint - for that matter.

  11. 57 minutes ago, FishersGate said:

    Poole are just awesome. They get stick but largely that's because they are simply better at everything. Picking riders. I said it at the start of the season they are tracking basically 4 championship heat leaders with a decent number 6. Fair bloody play. 

    Agreed. Poole provide the blueprint of how to run a successful Championship team. Not just the on track performances, but off track as well. It's an exceptionally well run club and they deserve the success.

    The club just suffers from the fact their fans aren't particularly likeable (or at least some forum members aren't - some, not all - you know who you are) and that tarnishes the club's reputation slightly. But that's not Poole's fault. 

    • Like 5
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  12. On 10/11/2024 at 12:48 PM, THE DEAN MACHINE said:

    I’m not questioning him if he wants to ride,he should be asking himself these questions, what I’m seeing and I know other in the sport are see it too isn’t a rider who lacks ability or speed, it’s a rider who clearly has some sort of mental block in certain races and it seems to be when he hasn’t got fresh air infront of him, because of the shortness of a speedway race and most of it happens in the first 15 seconds speedway is a massive mental sport and it is bloody hard to commit to a first corner but not only is he not committing in some races he is visibly shutting off, maybe he can sort this problem in time but anyone will tell you in any motorsport, when you ride not committed is when it comes to bite you and you get hurt, I don’t know if he has had any big crashes so far and he is carrying an injury but strangely when I carried an injury I seem to ride better but I also know a big crash can take a while to get over, I had a big one at Sheffield in 96 and that stayed with me for the next 16 years, I was always weary when I went back there but I had my biggest crash at Newport and it never bothered me going back there 

    I take it back. I think you might be right.

  13. 13 minutes ago, LisaColette said:

    Not all young riders are exactly the same. Some go for any gap, some don't and wait. Have given past examples on that. I already said Vinnie just needs to time things a bit better. H2 was 50/50 anyway but looked like Vinnie was slightly ahead when the crash happened imo. I'd be surprised if he still as impatient at 25. Just let him get on with learning. 

    Just letting him get on with learning is a ticking time bomb. He needs to change is attitude and riding style before he seriously injures somebody, if not himself. 

    It’s amazing how many Poole fans that are completely blinkered when it comes to this. It’s not a personal insult on them. Let’s hope the people around Vinnie are actually offering good advice, as opposed to just letting him carry on like he is. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, LisaColette said:

    Well I have seen him ride in more than four meetings and in quite a few he didn't crash! As I said he is young and will go for any gap. Scott Nicholls also got slated for doing the same when he was 19/20. And when Jason Doyle was younger he very rarely finished a race! It's an age thing

    In quite a few he DIDN’T crash, what an achievement!

    And yeah that’s why the likes of Sam Hagon, Dan Thompson, Ashton Boughen and Leon Flint, etc. go around knocking everybody off. Shocking excuse. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, LisaColette said:

    Give it a rest ffs. 


    He needs to time things a bit better but he is young and it will come. He isn't dangerous though. 

    Not dangerous? Are you having a laugh? I’ve seen him race live in four meetings and he crashed multiple times in all four, including two wrecked air fences and he wiped out two riders that were unable to continue afterwards. If that’s not dangerous, I’d dread to think what is! 

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