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  1. There is no denying about Osbourne- his history speaks for itself. Am I right in thinking he is an owner of Poole's Stadium? Concerning.... Who owns this proposed land near Swindon for the speedway? If planning permission is gained then if someone else has funds then they could use the planning permission to build the speedway track if Osbourne isn't interested in fulfilling.
  2. Francis Gusts is a brave exciting rider and is a good signing particularly if he starts at reserve but in terms of the whole team picture starting a couple of points under limit is a big disadvantage from the get go and requires Janowski to step up to his end of season form on a regular basis. Quite clearly the team building has been subject to mistakes/bad luck.
  3. When I spoke to Lebedevs after the Riga GP he really didn't seem keen on riding in the UK. Would Thorssell fit? Or has he already signed up for Poland/Sweden and Denmark? What about Basso? Would Tarasenko be interested in the UK again?
  4. Yes I find it very baffling. Also I would be interested to know what the legal advice was that they received as it's all very vague. Maybe worth putting in a freedom of information request?
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://peterborough.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s54236/23.00412.OUT%20-%20committee%20report.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiirMe_7v-KAxXVT0EAHc3wMo0QFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3fe1-nI93_WmfOwsvG6cLz This document explains the reasons for the call in changes in policy since the first committee vote and that "legal advice" was sought prior.
  6. The problem is councillors aren't really experts in planning policy so that's why a town planner is needed to build the case, present the policy based argument and know the system inside out. One of the reasons given for the callin was a "lack of planning reasons" and "outdated policies".
  7. If the decision was to go down the judicial review path there would need to be strong evidence that decisions had been made not in line with the local policies. Therefore it would be useful for a Town Planner to work on this.
  8. Policy LP30: Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Community Facilities. This policy reads: Existing Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Community Facilities The loss, via redevelopment, of an existing culture, leisure, tourism or community facility will only be permitted if it is demonstrated that: The facility is demonstrably no longer fit for purpose and the site is not viable to be redeveloped for a new community facility; or l. The service provided by the facility is met by alternative provision that exists within reasonable proximity: what is deemed as reasonable proximity will depend on the nature of the facility and its associated catchment area; or m. The proposal includes the provision of a new facility of a similar nature and of a similar or greater size in a suitable on or off-site location.
  9. All depends if they make use of the available remaining points
  10. I'm not a Glasgow fan but I must say that's a brilliant creative way to announce the team well done to whoever put that together. Also looks a solid side on paper.
  11. Also now have to pay £2 for car parking on Unipart
  12. I've just been on the phone to an official source from the FIM and they say if you close down your forum account in protest then they may consider putting Laguta back in.
  13. Certainly agree. And for me the wildcards would be Doyle and Michelsen and then Emil and Artem - if not Madsen and either Magic/Dudek.
  14. Could KL go for Vaclav Milik at reserve? He was mentioned by Rob Lyon on the recent podcast with him.
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