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    Coventry Bees, Liverpool FC

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  1. Always a sore point is that Nigel Boocock never received an honour
  2. Many used to stay behind to watch GG in the “third half” at Brandon when he first started riding over here!
  3. I seem to recall the CO organised The Warwickshire Flying Mile at Brandon, riders individually timed. Believe Ron Mountford was the winner.
  4. “Would he of had it so easy” wasn’t predictive text, though!
  5. Ouch! I remember several correspondences with Brian over the years, great to deal with. RIP Brian.
  6. It doesn’t change the winning of the GP at all from how it is now!!! I agree that the winner should be the top scorer, hence my wording “if the semi-finals and final have to stay”
  7. Is there any other way of referring to coming fourth than “and xxxxx xxxxxx misses out”, please?
  8. If the semi-finals and finals have to stay….. Points scored in the usual way in heats 1-20 accumulate over the season towards the World Individual Championship. On the night, as now, the top eight scorers qualify for semi-finals and final to decide the Grand Prix (or Rider of the night), but no points from those last three races are included in the World Championship reckoning.
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