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  1. Not true though! It was claimed that they were going to run on concrete, but the Stock car people have stated they will be running on shale!
  2. Not up to planning officers and Councillors who have planning voting rights cannot express an opinion before it’s considered.
  3. Why are they woke? The actual meaning of woke has nothing to do with it. Woke people are more likely to be anti greyhounds. No planning application has ever been submitted and it’s not far from the site of one of the old Nottingham tracks.
  4. You are clearly deluded! Accuse me if you dare of doing such. A council has to have a cabinet and political colours and there’s no such thing as an independent as that lean one way or the other. Planning meetings I’ve been to has no three line whip as it’s illegal.
  5. It is illegal to have group decisions on planning applications.
  6. No it’s a decision to help the football team fins a new site and to retain speedway. It has zero cost!
  7. Star has been on the shelf at WHS every week.
  8. They can’t throw out what hasn’t been submitted! If there’s no planning application there’s nothing to consider.
  9. Ownership is nothing to do with determining a planning application. The application only is considered.
  10. Isn’t the new football stadium built directly on the site of the old track?
  11. Is there any site where you synch them to a smartphone?
  12. That’s the price still showing on the app!!
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