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    Ipswich Witches

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  1. British Speedway as recently as half hour ago promoting the meeting on Facebook… Surely it’ll end up being follow the leader - if you can see anything!?
  2. Also if management are logical, they will recognise that Brennan's career trajectory is likely going in the opposite direction to King's...
  3. So thinking of some different scenarios... 1. If it's a 40 point limit then you could put the following together with room to spare... Doyle, Emil, Rew, Ellis, Brennan, Dan T (with 25% reduction) + an RS 2. If it's 39 points, then to get Brennan in (which I think a lot of people want, me included) you would need to lose Rew or Ellis, which would be a shame, but something would have to give. 3. If management do what they tend to do each season and retain King (which we all know is still a strong possibility), then he fits into the team in point 1 above even with a 39 point limit (in place of Brennan).
  4. Good point... Look forward to seeing what happens Thursday... Glad I'm a neutral for this one 😀
  5. Don’t think 12 points will be enough for the Aces. Holders and Pickering very consistent round Owlerton… it’s theirs to lose in my opinion
  6. Totally agree… Captain Doyle is definitely the way to go!
  7. Everyone can see that keeping the majority of the team is perfect, with Brennan slotting in for King… however this crops up every year and I fear Ellis or Rew will be sacrificed to give King his spot…
  8. Jeez I knew Kurtz has been racking the points up, but that is a seriously impressive average!
  9. Witches Release: King if they can get Jenkins classified as an RS again then I’d keep him, otherwise release too
  10. I imagine Kvech will be well in demand… would 100% have him at Ipswich… would like to see us running with this or similar Doyle (c) Rew Brennan/Kvech (think current averages might just mean Kvech a no go) Ellis Sayfutdinov D Thompson (with 25% reduction) RS tbc
  11. Even if Toruń lose the semi, won’t he still be expected to turn out in the 3rd place playoff? Honestly don’t know… putting it out there?
  12. You are right, but wonder if the ‘commercial’ decision making will come into it
  13. Monday's line-up looks solid for the Witches and confident all 7 will give it their best - Think we could take the home leg, but the Lions have riders that go really well at Foxhall... I know it's unlikely, but if Ipswich get through to the final, then assume that Emil is available (if fit) as Polish playoff final is 22nd Sept - Or have I got that wrong?
  14. Inclined to agree that both the play off semi final legs vs Leicester will be an absolute waste of time and we’ll end up putting out an Ipswich 2nd strings and Oxford select… not good for the paying public and representation of the sport generally
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