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Everything posted by Cast1rn

  1. I think there were a few more there than last year to be honest and similarly to last year, the racing was extremely competitive. I genuinely hope we get it next year too.
  2. As long as there's speedway I don't care what league it's in, most definitely I would've loved to see, Doyle, Emil,Tai,the holders,Bewley and now Freddie racing round Ashfield, but as has already been mentioned would the crowd attendances and incoming money offset the expenditure?? Probably not, it's not my money to lose and I'm sure the Facennas will only do it if they can see the benefit. For those that say we lose the Edinburgh derby or the Berwick and Workington meetings, simple solution, lets pull and Oxford and have a premier and championship team and everyone will be happy, except of course the Facennas who will be out of pocket.
  3. I would be mightily surprised if there wasn't work going on in the background, as has been mentioned in other threads, riders that have priced themselves unknowingly of the shop window (Rowe) and pure rider availability is what's slowing the process I would imagine. I would say first thing on the radar for 2025 is getting a danish paring back in the engine room. It's worked the last handful of years,Uli,Sam,Ben,Claus..... And seems to be where we're missing out this year.
  4. Can someone confirm please since the rulebook isn't clear. Dan Gilkes finished 2024 in the championship on a 4.6 average. Having not turned a wheel at championship level and having a premiership average of 3.71, in order to get back into the championship the heads at Castle grey Skull used the 1.5 multiplier to give him a converted average of 5.56? Would this also mean that any rider that misses all or part of the season at championship level would be subjected to the 1.5 rule? Casing point Anders Rowe, who's calling out for a championship ride who finished on a 5.95 (massively inflated)in 2023, but didn't get a team for 2024 now sits with a premiership average of 4.3 which with the 1.5 multiplier gets a 6.45. I may have got massively mistaken with this but the Gilkes numbers point this way.
  5. Holy poops, you are not wrong, I thought no way can you have 2 months out of the championship and straight away be whacked with the 1.5x if you ever go back. Anders will come in on a 6.45 if the same nonsense applies. He'll never ride in the Championship again, bet he's well chuffed he passed Richie Lawson half a dozen times when they were on a 3-3 of 5-1
  6. The one point that everyone seems to be missing with the bin Starke, bin Worral,bin flint is who do you bring in? I think without consulting my notepad we have 1.4 ish under the team building average to spare. If you get rid of Starke you have 4.7 to play with, that means you can only bring in a rider who hasn't set foot in any professional league (including polish under 21's) to get an assessed 4 points average. There are no British riders that aren't currently riding with an average that fits. Replacing Ace would result in the exact same scenario. Any premier League rider will hit us with a 1.5x increase on his average, with the majority riding in Poland it'll be difficult to get one that can ride on a Friday night? Could they coax Ben Basso back since Lodz and kings Lynn aren't really going anywhere? The reality is there isn't a great deal of choice.
  7. I think we'll be fighting for the wooden spoon with Redcar. Only rider that looked like he was fighting every heat for his points was Leon. Unless there's a major reshuffle I don't think one for oneing any rider will make any great difference. Maybe the majority Brit team building strategy wasnt the way ahead.
  8. Out of all the tracks I've visited Armadale has the best coffee and they have fresh rolls, people call it the dump, the racings not the greatest but still gives me an excuse to get out the house.
  9. As has been mentioned many times, the quality of the racing is what sells ashfield, but by crikey there's going to a lot of heat 15 deciders that we'll need to overturn purely based on the quality of the team we have.
  10. Jack Smith signed for the rest of the season, so get your calculators out for June if you are expecting any changes.
  11. It's the middle order id be looking at,as in Flint and Paul. Take Jack out you have 4.3..something to replace in June with the +0.5 team building. Which would mean putting an untested rider in to our already weak 2nd string. Since Paul would drop to 6. Personally id go through the polish league grab the strongest heat leader in league 2 on a 6, And get Kai huckenbeck for 8.5. At least make it fun till the end of the season.
  12. Jack's on a 2.9 any new Aussie would be in on a 4, if they haven't touched the Polish u24 league. So if the Aussie was to come in one for one it would be for Paul.
  13. Lee ended the season on a high, was on a 3.6 and up against a lot of weakened reserves in the league with the average drop. Plus knowing he was coming in on better equipment than what he had last year I think a 4-5 average was surely obtainable. Starke was in on what was said a "false average", again I hate that term, yes you can have a strong playoff run which won't affect your average but that wasn't where he was coming from.
  14. Everyone seems to forget the last two seasons we had Brennan he was dynamite first half of the season and fell away towards the end, from an outsider perspective, fatigue had to be one of the issues, he finished up at the number two spot after the taresenko move. As has been pointed out numerous times with the Team.building average dropping to 38 the team had to be built with potential to add to their averages They were looking for Paul and Lee to improve, the former showing that that's been an unfortunately inaccurate assumption and Lee never going to ride again (for the foreseeable anyways). With the points available on the 1st June there will either be a mass cull and Kai Huckenbeck in on a 8.5 ( I sh*T you not that's what he'd come in on). Or it'll be one for one and cling on till the end of the season with the vain hope of making the playoffs.
  15. Was this in 2023 ? There's only been 4 meetings this year and she hasn't ridden in any of them? Edit, it was 2023 I stand corrected. Edit 2, so why did she come in on a 4 and not a 5 or did the taresenko rule only come in for the class of 2024?
  16. Agreed the taresenko transfer was crazy on a 5, but if a rider has set foot in the u24's he's now a 5 which is madness. The under 24's is just a test pot for Ekstraliga teams to find their next 6 and 7. Having seen the quality of racing in Poland the Ekstraliga 2 is somewhere between championship and premiership. But tarring them all with 6's and 8.5's is madness. I completely agree that there has to be some conversion, but do it based on their actual average not on under or over a 6 points average. That would be the same as saying Leon flint and bomber Harris should have the same converted average.
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