ok, go to ticketstream .cz. put the 28-5 -2011 and sport in date, then click, then click the date when pops up, then click www.speedway-prague.cz,( or go straight there) then any link from there, i used www e -ticket -pl. just follow instructions,your alsp find links to ice speedway in febuary, and leszno gp, good luck
yeh we ve heard that as well about a penny will cost a pound, easyjet staff told us that. the rumour has been going around about ryan air charging that for some time.
last week at bydgoszcz, as tomasz was gollob going around the track with his medal and trophey, there was a tomasz gollob song being played over the tannoy . but can i track that song down now, no, can any one help.
shouldnt poland have been racing at kings lynn, and england raced at poland, that way no one team has any advantage. or is that to hard for the organisers to work out. bet the pols wouldnt have gone so well .
you shouldve been in there on friday nite, you would ve seen darcy ward get thrown out for being a pissed prat ( as usual what ive heard )and mouthing off to fans.
the bydgoszcz site sends you to a sgp site,where you buy tickets, but the british sgp site isnt selling directly yet.well done how ever you did it tho
its only the seated areas that are on sale, bends 1 and 2 and grand stand which is sold out. no standing on sale yet, back straight, 3rd and 4th bend. all best seats in saets now gone, but a few lower seats still left.
bydgoszcz tickets now on sale. but not through the sgp site, you need to go and register at, www.polonia.bydgoszcz.pl , reserved and paid for mine, just checked with bank, their selling very fast.so dont hag around. and good luck
old team
6 nicki - 45.000
3 emil - 50.000
9 freddie - 35.000
12 chris holder - 35.000
13 jarslaw - 25.000
total 190.000
out - nicki,emil & freddie
in - andreas,kennath and magnus
new team
5 andreas - 45.000
8.kennath - 50.000
11.magnus - 35.000
12 chris holder - 35.000
13 jaroslaw - 25.000 ( captain)
total 190.000