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Everything posted by Toady

  1. Just the sort of positive attitude the club needs dare I say
  2. Because he owns the stadium and they don’t sadly
  3. I thought you asked about the crowd levels a couple of weeks ago ? Have a look at this https://www.rugby.gov.uk/documents/d/guest/15-1-5_oxford_stadium___statement_3604_-pdf?download=true
  4. Ok, but whatever the outcome speedway is almost certainly not going to return to the abbey.
  5. Maybe so but the question posed was has osbourne ever developed a stadium? the answer has to be yes he has.
  6. It has to be completed to satisfy planning no stadium no final phase of houses yes it may close but it has to be fully completed first.
  7. As stated on another thread the stadium had to be built in order to satisfy planning permission for houses to be built on old car park. The houses are now being erected to the right of the two hangers( wouldn’t take any notice of the report below it is wrong) that are for the greyhounds.
  8. As I said it is in progress and in use for dogs https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/23866166.abbey-stadium-new-pictures-show-latest-work-swindon-stadium/ here are the pics from another thread about Swindon stadium no less !
  9. Yes he has at Swindon plenty of pix on other threads of progress made
  10. Other than the fact they don’t own it and are not allowed to use it.
  11. Can’t be viable then (His new buzzword)
  12. we don’t need that Obscurantist anywhere near Oxford thanks.
  13. Uncle Len should take a lot of credit for the running of Rye House speedway over the years and to hold him any way responsible for what happened since in my opinion is wrong. On that score at almost every venue that has changed hands and subsequently closed to speedway over the years, you could blame the previous owners and hold them responsible,why single out Len.
  14. Hope you get a better turn out than this https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/20241136.swindon-speedway-fans-fear-future-building-work-abbey-stadium-stalls/
  15. Out of interest, what system would you use for team building ?
  16. Just listened to it, he said nothing that we hadn’t already heard before on the Swindon speedway situation
  17. The deathly silence from them both on the subject, speaks volumes to me
  18. Co promotor along with Rossiter both rewarded for their service I believe.
  19. Yes of course because their intention is to find another venue to promote at isn’t it.
  20. Adam will be a great signing his progress around Jason Doyle at Swindon in 2019 was clear and only wish they were both riding for the Robins !
  21. How many times must it be said Swindon was viable but osbourne as stadium owner held all the cards. A large investment of a new racing circuit and quality teams over the years Russell was offered something he couldn’t refuse and with little optimism that the new facilities would appear cashed in his chips.The stadium will not be ready for a few years no car parking due to other development in the area and also a question mark over the noise restrictions imposed by the council (as it might be difficult to meet these )so far easier to forget about it as after all Osborne would still say Speedway is not Viable.
  22. Yeh did nothing for Swindon, hang on a minute they only delivered 3 league titles and some fantastic teams over the years so not all take !
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