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Everything posted by hardtobeat89

  1. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t…
  2. Absolutely not - I’ve been going to KL speedway for over 30 years. Injuries are part & parcel of speedway which is unfortunate, but we would have been without two riders Thursday through no fault of our own, even without Tobi’s recent injury. I would just rather watch a full strength team than guests - my opinion.
  3. Only if they agree to ride… No-one can force riders to take guest bookings, and I don’t want to watch a meeting at home with riders we could only get as a last resort (no disrespect to S Lambert etc - but I want to watch Patryk/a full strength Lynn side and not guests).
  4. No - I am saying based on what I saw in press releases & BSPA website before the meeting I expected the first heat at 14:15, and judging by other comments - I’m not the only one… If the first heat couldn’t have been until 14:30 just communicate it better *shrugs*
  5. Completely agree with this. I understand the whole ‘15 minutes for rider intro’s’ if it’s gloriously sunny, but I got there before 14:15 expecting the first heat to be at that time due to the predicted forecast. There could easily have been 3 more heats within that time, and the rider introductions really have no bearing on me as a fan (and if you weren't a fan then you wouldn't have a clue what ‘normally’ happens anyway!) I’ve been to plenty of meetings home & away where these have been cut short so that the racing starts more promptly, and I feel like today’s meeting is one that would have benefited.
  6. Brilliant riding from Wojdylo for a paid max, seems to be dialled in now after a few home meetings. Hopefully that will quiet a few of his critics. Hope Tobi & Milik are ok too and it’s nothing too serious.
  7. A much more positive performance tonight by the Stars. Especially a stronger meeting for Patryk who I think has taken a little criticism on previous threads, hopefully getting more dialled into the British tracks. I think we forget that we have had very little track time this year against some of the stronger teams in the league. Hopefully this will be a confidence boost for all the riders.
  8. Has anyone else noticed that this fixture has been put in for 2 days time? No information from either club regarding teams either?
  9. If this is how someone left the club in a financially stable position then heaven forbid if they hadn't! It seems as though those in charge have recklessly used the team as a toy for a season or two and neither actually knowing what they were doing. As much as people moan about Buster, he has stepped in time and again to save King’s Lynn. I just hope this can happen again.
  10. We have done the train before from Torun to Gdansk, really easy and a direct journey too.
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