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StarBoy last won the day on June 20 2023

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    King's Lynn Stars

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  1. I think Musielak is pretty much a guarantee for Ipswich. Emil won’t return and that is a big void to fill and Musielak kind of fits the bill perfectly for them. I think he wants to do UK, just for whatever reason it didn’t work out at Lynn. The more I think about it maybe Tarasenko is unlikely. Ipswich would do well to go for Freddie Jakobsen - on his his last 2 visits to Foxhall he scored 13 and 7+2 and would come in on a bargain 5.71
  2. Only probably for them is that he is a Lynn asset, so either Buster has first refusal, or they would need to pay a loan fee
  3. Then if Huckenbeck was to come he would be on a 6.00 like Kvech. Although I can’t see him coming
  4. They only come in on an 8.00 if they have ridden in the GPs for 2 consecutive seasons within the last 5 years. in terms of riders like Huckenbeck, Lebedevs, Kubera etc I don’t know, if they were in the GPs next season that would count as their 2nd consecutive season of they would have to complete 25 and for 26 would come in on an 8.00. How I interpret the rules I would say they still come in on a 6.00 for next season. the regulation is chapter 10 - of the SCB Regulations if anyone interprets different to me
  5. Kurtz not doing UK next year? Thought he’d be the first name in Lemons 7…
  6. I see this as the Ipswich team. It fits if the points limit remains at 40.0. If decreasing to 39.0 replace Tarasenko with Ellis 1. Jason Doyle - 9.36 2. Keynan Rew - 5.79 3. Vadim Tarasenko - 6.77 4. Tom Brennan - 6.67 (6.50) 5. Tobiasz Musielak - 8.21 6. Dan Thompson - 3.11
  7. Certainly haven’t stepped on my toes @Bald Bloke like you said my thread was a general one for fans of all teams to voice their predictions. As a Stars myself I am totally on board with the setup of this thread😬
  8. Re Milik - for team building purposes he might have to be on a 5.0 but unsure of the rules
  9. A lot can happen in the six months between now and March
  10. The logistics reasoning is correct, he has mentioned it for a while when he was at Lynn in 21 & 22. However, every time he has guested at Lynn this season and gave interviews he says how much he loves the club, track etc so who knows… We had a decent team this year and if it wasn’t for the shenanigans I truly believe we would’ve won the KO Cup and made it to the playoffs
  11. What I heard is that he had a verbal agreement with Lynn and then Leicester offered £20 a point more and that swayed his decision along with the logistics as well
  12. I totally agree. It would be harsh to leave him out as he’s probably been Lynn’s standout rider this season alongside Anders Rowe, this is just the rumour I’ve heard
  13. He did this year, he was waiting for a call. Why would that change next year?
  14. Word on the AFA terraces make interesting reading for Lynn’s team next season. 1. Lebedevs / Lambert - 8.00 / 7.8 2. Klindt - 6.59 3. Basso - 6.89 4. Lawson - 7.09 (6.91) 5. Kvech - 6.58 6. Rowe - 5.21 (3.91) RS. ? Total with Lebedevs - 38.88 Total with Lambert - 38.68 How true this is or not idk, just what I’ve heard from a credible source who is close to someone who is close to someone in the KL promotion
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