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  1. It's Manchester, said by many to be the wettest city in the UK. What will happen if BOTH get rained off? Yes, one could be staged on the Sunday (if it stopped raining by then) but when/could the other be staged?
  2. Torun will have a GP next year, it will replace Cardif!
  3. What about Reading (at least it is west of London). Smallmead Stadium is no more, but the land itself hasn't been built on yet. Surrounded by industrial units it shouldn't get many house owners moaning about the noise. I don't get why someone will not give it another try or is the Council not willing to give permission?
  4. Thanks Skipper, I now know a lot more now. Apologies for not thanking you before, but I have had trouble logging onto this site this week.
  5. I'm afraid I do not know anything about NORA. I assume that it is unlicensed meetings, but what does NORA stand for? Also, how many tracks, and where are they? Do they race against each other or is it the riders who turn up on the night race each other? Sorry, if I seem dim but I would like to know more.
  6. What would happen if rider A, on gate 1 and is already on a warning makes rider B on gate 2 touch the tapes. .Are they both excluded or is rider B "saved" by another rider being excluded first? Also,, is the rule the same if the incident happens to riders in gate 1 and 4 where the rider who touches the tapes cannot claim he was conned into it? Has this happened at any time, in the past?
  7. For the sake of the young ones on here, You mean a Lambretta or Vespa, not todays E-Scooter!
  8. interesting. Of the ten tracks mentioned in CO and TR, eight do not exist (or at least do not run speedway) anymore. Of the two that do still have clubs, one of them was shut down for a few years before reopening a year or so ago.
  9. I wonder if his decision to put the club into administration was helped by the Football league making it much harder to sell a club's stadium to it's owner?
  10. Would it give the stadium more protection if it was awarded an Asset of Community Value (ACV)? I know it would provide protection if the stadium was sold, but can an ACV stop it being demolished or left standing empty and not used? If this is a way of protecting it it needs a (local?) group such as a speedway fans/parish council/ other groups etc. to organise a campaign to save the stadium. Fans of Reading FC have got an ACV on their stadium to stop their reckless owner selling it for non-football use. so a precedent has been set, but of course the Reading Borough Council was very willing and quick to award the ACV,. Would the Swindon Council be as willing, though?
  11. It could be that the Cradley track will be the home of "Wolves". as they don't exist anymore.
  12. Zmarzlik signed a contract, he didn't adhere to it, knowing the punishment. His fault! Could the the late punishment be because he was wearing the "wrong" kevlars for the main meeting. Maybe if he had changed into the "right" kevlars for the main event, nothing would have been said? Was he told in the meantime to change, If so, his fault again.
  13. We watch speedway in different room to the computer, but it is connected by cable. Have found a language button on the TV remote and Hey presto get a language list on the telly. in the top right of the telly. screen. Welcome back Kevin!
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