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RoundTheBoards last won the day on October 31

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  1. I expect you to eat every day. Regardless of whether you go to speedway or not. I know I eat every day. I don't only eat on days when I'm at a speedway meeting.
  2. They're holding a social evening on 29 November. It wouldn't really make sense to announce the team before then.
  3. I guess whether you want to spend money on the admission fee and the travel, comes down to how much you enjoy the sport, versus how much you just want to support a winning team. But I have to wonder why supporting King's Lynn requires you to eat £15 of extra food in a week.
  4. So it's Adam Ellis who is heading off to Birmingham?
  5. Wrong. Guarantees aren't uncommon. Some of the figures people make up and claim that No.1's get guaranteed are nonsense, but guarantees often happen at all levels. A youngster stepping in at reserve may even ask to be guaranteed 3 points.
  6. You only get income from the home meeting, but have to pay riders home and away. So the 500 people have to pay for an average of 100 points.
  7. No. £24 admission is £20 + VAT. So a 500 crowd at £20 is £10k. On average there are 100 points in a meeting, so just £100 per point would wipe out that £10k, without even taking into account the riders' travel expenses and flights and tyres. Then there's signing on fees, stadium rent, insurance, medical cover, meeting fees, referee fee, track preparation, other staff costs, utilities, etc etc. You wouldn't get far on the gate money of 500 people
  8. We've known for ages that Rowe is at Sheffield.
  9. Remember, it's Person.... woman.......man.....camera......TV
  10. Quite the opposite. Had been using new kit in UK most of the year, and couldn't get a satisfactory set-up. Went back to last year's kit towards the end of the season and immediately started going better.
  11. Doyle was an anomaly. You can't expect every rider to be a slow-burner just because one rider was. But if they follow Doyle and don't reach their peak until 30, then Cook has 3 years of improvement left, while Lidsey still has 5 years of improvement before his peak. So it still makes Lidsey the one with better potential.
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