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Everything posted by JoeW436

  1. Someone else must be funding this deal for Artem because it doesn’t add up with the usual candidates backing the club, nevertheless a great signing for the league! Still the only rider in the world who could keep with Bartosz over the course of a GP season
  2. He’s doing us a favour being on holiday so hopefully it’s an extended break
  3. I’m convinced Basso racing fan is MT, they tell the some amount of fairytales
  4. Brilliant for the league, just wish it was Artem going to Peterborough
  5. Agreed, bang average imo one meeting aside, we won’t win much with him and Hans in the side, just the truth unfortunately
  6. The excuse of getting mechanics over here etc for foreign riders is such a cop out (an excuse most likely coming from the club, example Peterborough) Dan Bewley had one mechanic last night and managed just fine
  7. Surely Terasenko and Artem would make more sense in terms of the team (Panthers) and practically for them to
  8. Is Tarasenko any good? And surely got to ditch Hans and Richie
  9. It was just bad timing last night with Leicester being on tv, if Newcastle wasn’t on the verge of champions league or Leicester possible being relegated after being champions a few years ago that game wouldn’t of clashed
  10. He had a few words with Hans after a run in on the back straight last night, his mood was probably caused by that
  11. How can everyone be saying how tight the ownership are at Lynn now all of a sudden you are signing Artem Laguta?
  12. Some of us Panthers fans are baffled by it too, sometimes you just know a rider will come good even when not scoring to great, I thought that with Ben Cook, never concerned
  13. I was also pleasantly surprised to see the two tractors out tonight as well…and I don’t mean Kindt and KK
  14. Credit where credits due that was a much better performance. Ben Cook was brilliant, not only gated well but looked rapid when out in front, also managed to get back to the front when he got pushed out at the first bend. Having a decent #1 takes so much pressure off the team, thank you to Dan Bewley, a great character as well.
  15. Been brilliant tonight, NKI poor again
  16. A real buzz around the town this morning, the streak ends tonight
  17. https://m.vk.com/video-53550004_456241305?list=1ba31b56ce158fb32c&from=wall-53550004_85786 15 well worth watching and a race in the middle with Dudek and Bartosz. Can’t remember the others off the top of my head sorry
  18. It’s a travesty, especially how they’ve both started their seasons and considering there is some averages riders in GP
  19. Riders are finally slamming the door shut on Bartosz, only 5 years too late but better late than never. Well done Dudek!
  20. I can’t believe what I’m reading there, embarrassing
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