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Everything posted by Jaizer

  1. Tiger Tom Brennan. Absolutely outstanding young man. Fair play to Dan leaving him the room
  2. Yup Sheffield should've been given the PLRC or whatever it's called now if were to get a shared event rather than it being at the countries most southern outpost (not having a go Poole fans just a fact). and as you say an additional home meeting for the winners to get additional gate money etc.
  3. Tom hopefully get WC or reserve shot for Saturday so may have practice on Friday? It's a shame as could've been a really top field. Any of Leicester or Poole's top 3 will make them favs. Along with the home pair of their on a good day
  4. Will they want to with the SGP2 on Sunday? Looks like a shoot out between Leicester and Poole for me
  5. Any ideas on lineups? Plymouth even have a fit pair, do Birmingham? Cook, masters and ostergaard injured at weekend.
  6. Yeah kind of defeats the purpose to me, in BV situation I'd say probably now be more worried if Tom was missing and having to use Connor in main body (if that's how it works) than replacing for example etheridge. Other clubs as you say, Ipswich would need to try and locate Rowe to replace riss now as Hume was the no.8 but as you say if that's the rules...
  7. Yeah blodorn and etheridge have missed meetings but used Z Cook instead. Defeats the purpose of the no.8 imo. Connor definitely needs more racing, anytime couple weeks off he's off the pace when start again
  8. Without being rude was a dead rubber for Berwick. Entertainment was more important to the result, and basso is nothing if not entertaining. In a league meeting I'd doubt have been same
  9. I believe his morning flight was cancelled had to get a later one. Tbh I can think of many a rider wouldn't have bothered their arse once flight was cancelled so fair play to him
  10. Think we're daft, give him a month and hope he looks good. Let him miss a few meetings so doesn't become a Berwick asset sign him up for next season
  11. Part of reason don't go to armadale anymore. I would stand opposite starts tape not with the rest of the Tigers support. Used to get a bit of banter with the people round about but all got bit nasty and silly few years back. Folk saying things just to try and get a reaction. All very sad really
  12. How has Knudsen all of a sudden now got visa issues? Is this like aarnio and allegedly ulle last year were on wrong Visa?
  13. Let them have their glory. Managing to beat us when our top 3 riders weren't there. A result for the ages
  14. 3 injured in first heat of a Mickey mouse meeting including both no.1s. brilliant
  15. No... Surely not. 2022 speedway championship and no guests or r/r. This can't be allowed to happen!!
  16. I've no idea the dates but there's some world U23 team cup, if does well in Cardiff might get the WC for SGP2 again. Was some pairs thing he was in France with Harris couple weeks ago sure must be a final for that.
  17. Much obliged. R/r for Tom if misses any more meetings ain't ideal
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