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    Kings Lynn

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  1. I too had the feeling that I was at the last GP to be held in the Principality stadium. It's very sad.
  2. I too had the feeling that I was at the last GP to be held in the Principality stadium. It's very sad.
  3. I didn't miss a Cardiff GP so it's a very sad day for me, they were very enjoyable weekends. To me it feels like I have lost a loved one.
  4. I,m told the contract with the Principality was up.
  5. Me too enjoyed everyone of the GP's and I went to them all, will miss the buzz of the town centre and I found the people very welcoming.
  6. If as has been said on here that this is Birmingham's last season then maybe they don't want to spend too much money.
  7. Don't see why Ipswich should get flak.
  8. Are they waiting for a fatality before doing something.
  9. Is that official as I have not seen it anywhere.
  10. If we could have them 4 at number 6 we might stand a chance.
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