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heathen52 last won the day on April 5 2024

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    Cradley Heath

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  1. A very interesting article on the history of our Sport, which again missed another opportunity in the Covid year.
  2. I guess we will have to wait until after the 1st January to know who the final two riders are, that is when the discount on season ticket sales ends, If they were decent riders we would have heard by now in the hope that they would boost the season ticket sales, so seeing as we have heard nothing I fear the worst for Brummie fans.
  3. Mate I can assure you we have NEVER had any encouragement from Dudley Council, nor any other Council for that matter.
  4. Mate I don't claim to be an expert manager of a Speedway team, Laurence for all his good points outside of managing a senior Speedway Team, he is pretty crap at the actual managing/recruiting of various senior teams over the years, he has had a fair bit of success with junior teams over the years and always encourages young riders in their careers, but that in itself doesn't make him a good Team manager, others more knowledgeable than me will probably know which teams he has managed with varying degrees of success. I will tell you what I am an expert in, knowing what is a good team and what is a bad team, I have seen a lot of both over the years and Laurence has managed more than his fair share of the latter
  5. Granted, Laurence has many strong points selecting winning teams in senior Speedway is not one of them.
  6. When have Brum ever been competitive when Laurence has been involved ?.
  7. I don't know much about Vuolas but I think Brum may be better looking for another young prospect from Sweden, Denmark, or any other none Polish rather than more over the hill riders just looking for a pay cheque.
  8. I have no idea where the Wolves promotion are with potential sites, but would the following be viable. We know that Perry Barr will close later next year leaving the West Midlands with no Speedway, would a joint venture let's say somewhere round Dudley (Burnt Tree Island area) between Wolves and Cradley riding on a two track set up be viable?, what I mean by that is Wolves riding on the smaller track on the inside of a bigger Cradley track on the outer with a moveable inside line for the larger track, basically the same as Wolves & Cradley had but instead of the outer being for greyhounds it would be for another speedway track, hence the two track set up, using all the same facilities on one site.
  9. Team:King's Lynn Stars On 11/21/2024 at 9:30 AM, SaddlebowRoad said: so if rumours are accurate brum will look something like museilak zagar nilsson jeppesen thorsell rew edwards not too shabby if so Expand I’ve got starting averages as follows: 1. Musielak - 8.21 2. Jeppesen - 6.00 (reassessed) 3. Zagar - 7.2 (existing average from 2022) 4. Nilsson - 6.00 (reassessed) 5. Thorsell - 7.33 (existing average from 2019) 6. Rew - 5.67 7. Edwards - RS Total - 40.41 This means either Zagar or Thorsells existing average is going to have to be reassessed. Most likely Thorsell as his was achieved 5 years ago. If the rules remain the same as per 2024 regulations he will come in on a 6.00 also, meaning Birminghams final 1-7 would be like this: 1. Musielak - 8.21 2. Jeppesen - 6.00 3. Thorssell - 6.00 4. Nilsson - 6.00 5. Zagar - 7.2 6. Rew - 5.67 7. Edwards - RS Total - 39.08 So if it is Jeppesen, then it's beginning to look like the guys over in Norfolk have a pretty good idea what the final team is going to be.
  10. Do we think Lampart will be part of the 2025 Team, I think he picked up a nasty injury at the end of this last season ?.
  11. I think Tolley is full of it and the first part is Bull.
  12. I have been there many times, last season was the first season that I never went to a meeting due to a combination of things, but I streamed the early fixtures on the Brummies website prior to the streams stopping due to live broadcasts, when you get Harris and Pickering struggling to overtake then you know everything is not well.
  13. With regards the Team manager Rosco is one of the best team managers of recent years, Rosco or Ermolenko ? and If Rosko is available and affordable then he would be a big improvement, with regards the track the 1st & 2nd bends as a minimum require work on the banking to improve what little overtaking occurs on those bends, you can usually count on one finger the number of overtakes on those bends during a season, however any work may not be feasible due to the short time scale before Perry Barr closes. I would like to congratulate the Brummies on there new tie up with Warwickshire County Cricket Club, if any Warwick members venture over to watch Speedway the noise from the bikes should at least wake up some of those County Cricket supporters more used to having a snooze during games 😁. https://www.birmingham-speedway.com/_mobile/news.php?extend.3579
  14. Before going ahead and tying up riders for 2025 maybe they could bring in a new team management such as Rosco, if they sign the team then get a new manager I can't see that working, if they continue with the 2024 managers then I think it will be more of the same old same old results.
  15. I am one of your pensioners living only on state pension, I paid my NI and Taxes from when i left school until I was about 70 actually i paid Tax as Ni stopped at retirement but has changed again recently, lets get this straight most of my generation expected the state pension would be enough to live off, other gold plated pensions were/are for civil servants, council workers, NHS etc etc they are the ones that have a decent standard of living, neither am i one of the pensioners of which there are more and more that has had a property or such like left in a will, so yes some pensioners have never had it so good but others have to rely solely on state pension, and then you have those on pension credit who for various reasons did not pay enough into the system yet end up better off (housing benefit, council tax paid, free dental care, optical care, winter fuel payments) than those that did, don't say i didn't plan ahead it's the people that abused the system (Mental Health is the new lazy ) then and now that need sorting out but none of our politicians will grasp the nettle.
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