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Everything posted by Petecc

  1. Reality plus common sense. Not much used on here lately. I'm sure all riders are trying to score double figures every week but, some are falling short of that mark. I bet its not for the lack of trying.
  2. Can you please bag it up and return it next week
  3. The difference between meeting 2 (let's ignore the first week)and this week was chalk & cheese. Yes it did get a little dusty but its july, what do people expect.
  4. Shhh don't let them complain about the guests being too good
  5. Totally agree. However there was 20 million watching the quarter final, so on average 3 people per TV set, leaving 10 million people who don't watch football to be at perry barr. Call it off
  6. Leave him alone. He's quite happy sticking the boot in.
  7. After all these years and you still didn't notice the ref is the one with a white stick.
  8. On line tickets are safer than paying cash on the door. If the event doesn't go ahead you get an automatic refund. Remember rain off tickets ?
  9. He could be the only rising star due a testermoaneral.( spelt how I wanted it to be)
  10. That's pretty much the same at Wolverhampton except you have to wear a mask when walking around the one way system going to the toilet but, once in the toilet there doesn't seem to be a capacity and everybody takes them off to pee
  11. Sorry to put you right but, that was the last bags meeting on a Wednesday. Hopefully by next week the problems with the tractors will have been fixed.
  12. Typical, waited 18 months for speedway to start & its going to be the hottest day of the year, so there will be so much dust nobody will see anything. There, I've got the moans out of the way. Let's hope we can get enough water into the track.
  13. Its been a long time coming but, we are finally there.
  14. That wouldn't be a surprise, he took one hell of a wack at Wolverhampton. A little second hand this morning I think.
  15. I was disappointed with Ipswich. Didn't look like there was much fight in them.
  16. If its r/r on both sides 3 guests v 4 guests and 2 NL juniors, would you advertise it?
  17. Thats when they get around to contacting all of us.
  18. The only thing left for laurence Rogers to do is hire a mini bus and come around your house & pick you up on Wednesday evenings & drop you home afterwards
  19. I could be very wrong but, if he hasn't rode an official match for the club, you can't use r/r. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  20. Are trying to say he's carrying a bit of timber?
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