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About Petecc

  • Birthday 07/01/1966

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  1. The amount of rubbish I read on these forums about birmingham speedway is terrible. Then when a positive comes, no other club backs them. I'm sure there will be moaners saying only 3 teams, all at birmingham, not worth bothering with. At least they are trying to do something for the future.
  2. Do you also play your old records backwards looking for satanic voices?
  3. Can only say that Ipswich doesn't use the same track for both sports, so has different fencing.
  4. Has nobody seen the concrete wall at scunthorpe. They hang the pit gate on it.
  5. Not really trying to make a point. It may have been a little aggressive of an answer to your question, didn't want to just post the word yes. Petecc
  6. Yes there has been track work done. There is also many volunteers there every Sunday working on fences, kick boards etc. Maybe you should go down and jointhem and see for yourself?
  7. I think everybody is aware, however if your landlord says no you can't have anymore dates ,then that's it.
  8. The project still has many hoops to jump through. One of which is getting the 5 other clubs to find dates in their calendar for another meeting !
  9. Mildenhall were just late to the party. However this is only the beginning for the new club, so a series of challenges against some of the development league sides at West row would have to be the aim for 25, with entry at the next agm for 26.
  10. Compost corner! Now you are showing your age 🤪
  11. Could also be a problem for some with simply a lack of availability dates or to late to negotiate free dates with landlords etc. It would be a pity but not a surprise.
  12. Stop horsing around. This is serious stuff.
  13. Remember those guarantees we stopped using in this country?
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