Im in a very similar sitaution to the Warley One. Being goign Cardiff for two years in a row yet never a normal meeting. I live in the Midlands, Im hoping to try all the midlnads clubs. Hopefully with the gang theres about 10 of us from Leicester and 3 from Mildenhall. (Driving to Leicester to get Mini-Bus). We might go Poole in August and I know the prices are expensive. Thats why we are camping in Dorset instead.
In my second year for Cardiff, we brought my brothers mate. He couldnt belive the adrealine rush gave you in Cardiff.
After this year, when England lost to France in footy. I werent bothered I already had a brilliant weekend in Cardiff. Still on a high. I know all the celebrities within Speedway and the personalities. I watch all of the Gps and most of the Monday night elite league.
Over the summer hopefully I will be going: Sheffield, Wolverhampton, Peterborough (I wanna see Havvy round there), Oxford, Swindon, possibly Stoke and hopefully Poole.