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Everything posted by Hazzman

  1. We look at the replacement list of riders. Sullivan and Hampel are gonna be out. Bjerre the first replacement is also injured. So, the next two SHOULD be Peter Karlsson and Stefan Andersson of Sweden. Andersson is a waste of time. It would be better to put some of the like of the Drymls in for him or Stead etc.
  2. I'll like Cardiff to be just one big event. If we had two rounds it would take way the glamour to the Cardiff meeting.
  3. Yep it means there is a good possibility of going the derby against Torun.
  4. We seen Chris Morton and his army of friends, the first thing my Uncle said 'Was shall I ask him for his book'. But he was about to eat so we lefted it. The planning as already began for next year, numbers our swelling after finding out how cheap it was. Plus with the added extra of regular plane flights to Bydgoszcz, Gdansk and Poznan. It seems my brother may go. With small cost it now means hopefully pulling in another Gp in Central Europe.
  5. Continuing from where my account left off. We walked from Old Town to the Polonia Stadium, about a 15 minute walk. Buy some Coca-Cola for the stadium. Its still a good 3 hours before the meeting. We walk into the stadium to find it packed and where we want to sit gone. So after scouting to eventually find a place about half way up the terracing on the back straight. I know this may found strange but before the meeting we began to fall tired. Was it buslag, the chemical plant behind us, pizza or 15 minute walk. I needed a pee a good two hours before the meeting and decided against going as the crowd was moving to its places. The feeling for a Pee had gone by Heat 1 as bladder was in sheer disbelief at the racetrack. However, we were soon to woken when the riders came out on their parade, a big firework failed to go off properly creating a smog of black smoke, we could feel the terracing moving as the firework went. The great thing about Polish fans is that you have your nutters dancing in a drunken haze, then we have extended families, whole villages and couples. Truly massive mix but I have never seen a crowd at any sporting event sing their national anthem so proudly. The meeting I thought was a great one, Gollob is about 2 centremetres from the airfence and they come so quick out of the corners. The thing about the turns on this race track is they are so big, each rider finally locks up in different places. Unlike many of our British tracks. I lefted a pen in the pizzeria meaning no filling out the programme. We thought there was no Brits in semis but appartently Richardson scraped through. I say this through gritten teeth and eating humble pie, I have never rated Rico, he never seemed to have the bottle to do something in the Semi-Finals or Finals. However he proved me wrong just like he did at Swindon and Wroclaw at the World Cup. He likes the Polish tracks and this is proved by his employment by Zielona Gora. There was only going to be one winner, Mr.Bydgoszcz himself. I think if Rico had have won that final the Poles wouldnt have been shaking our hands and taking pictures with our flags. There is a chance we maybe on the TV, were on the start of the third bend, near the tracks staff exit/entrance and we are above the Polish flag with the words Debno. After the racing had finished and there was a few ugly scenes amongst the celebrations. We were one of the last to leave our seats we stood there in awe and also spotted a young 7 year old Ipswich still jumping up and down. We went back to the Old Town Square and drank a couple of Lech and Raspberry Syrup's on one of the stable boats. I rang my brother to tell of the winner and he shouted Gollob! down the phone it may me want to cry as he really wanted to come plus he couldnt get him a Scott Nicholls cap. We eventually went home in a taxi. Sunday, Monday and the ride back home in a bit.
  6. There are always going to have two riders from each major Speedway nation plus they will never be cruel enough to drop someone who just missed out. Chranowski is a sure-fire goner, no major backing plus he isnt even in the top 30 Polish riders. He will be replaced with Zagar, as he is Slovenian, a new market and he has a certain flair about him. Andersen and Sullivan are the other probable drop-outs. Both have two other countrymen in the series. Neither as impressed, so it pot luck who they pick could be a young rider of Polish, Swedish or Danish nationality. Probable Czech has the its GP was poorly attended yet no Czech rider has been exciting this year. Expect the Italian Gp to be taken off the calendar and hopefully replaced by a German/Latvian/Croatian GP.
  7. To say Bydgoszcz 2005 wasnt an experience is a under estimation. In what 7 days in Poland I jhave had one of the best times of my life, often through misfortune rather than great fortune. One of the gang of Four from Leicester cant fly, this meant going on public National Express coaches. 24 hour coach ride to Bydgoszcz. Thursday morning 5.30am, we were taking a coach from Leicester to London Victoria. The bus is just about to enter a sliproad on to the M1 and the coach breaksdown, meaning cars are now dodging the bus and we have to wait for another. It finally came. Victoria was packed with people going Reading festival. Jump on bus which is sparsly attended, meeting a couple from Bydgoszcz who work in a bakery in Barnsley. Then all the drivers speak Polish, we're the only British people on board. Get to Bydgoszcz on Friday around 10.30am. Get a taxi to our hotel with the help of Adrian the bloke from the coach. Get to the hotel, reservation does not exist on their computer yet we have confirmation e-mails to prove our booking. They give us keys for the rooms. I get showered and so does one of the other comrades. Then told we must move, its all the internet agency fault meaning we are moved to the Hotel Chemik. On the outskirts of Bydgoszcz, in front of a massive chemical plant which you are no longer aloud to go down. Finally get changed and go to out first bakery plus practice and pick up the tickets. Practice is a chance for all the Poles who cant afford to go to the meeting proper and see the riders. Went for a drink at the bus shelter in each my Uncle had an argument with the woman server, I was laughing at the side. After practice we try to find the Old Town Square and cant. We end up finding Tesco's and buying more cakes plus cold pizza. We hop on a tram and go back to hotel, watching Liverpool playing CSKA Moscow and play cards. Saturday bring new enthusiasm, we find the Old Town Square and surrounding area which is beautiful. Taking pictures and still not seeing any British speedway fans. Walking on this island where there was a big fair for the seniors and they were selling their arts such as paintings and lace. We had a drink there and went to meet someone we knew. Talking to them and they suggested that we get to the stadium by 3pm if you want a decent seat. We took this on board and agreed that at 4pm we want to be in the stadium. We were walking through Bydgoszcz's fruit market when we met Tony Steele, the night's referee found out he was one of my uncles old school comrades. We talked him and he suggested Gdansk to fill Monday's trip. We went to this Pizza place suggested to us. We order a vegtarian and 3 pepperonis but was trying to make sure the vegtarian pizza had no meat on. Out came 4 pizzas, a vegatarian one and 3 pepperonis with such peppers on, no meat. No pepperoni meat. So thats up to pre-meeting Saturday. When I have time I'll post the rest. Heres the web site, http://www.freewebs.co.uk/Bydgoszcz2005
  8. I am there next week. Could someone post the time for Leigh Adams Testionmal and the line-up from Leszno?
  9. Whats the time difference from here to Poland. My clock will constantly changing with number of borders to go through on a coach.
  10. How far is Adams testionmal to Bydgoszcz in distance? How can you do it - car, bus, train?
  11. Whats the Polish TV Schedule on Speedway? Why are Zielona Gora allowed two foreigners?
  12. Can any of our Polish fans tell me if there is any second or third tier fixtures?
  13. Are there any matches within a reachable distance on the Sunday using public transport?
  14. I think the Germans will be competitive but whether they trouble the scorers is the question. Young side could prove a great experience.
  15. I have my un-tapped resource for tickets. So no probelm.
  16. There is a dirt motocross track in the centre which is also used for Monster Trucks. However, something the size of a Speedway track would be plausible. The infield has two tiers to it. There is one raised part and the other very low.
  17. We gonna stand in Sector B. Getting tickets from an up-tapped resource.
  18. I have well and truly fell in love with Scott Nicholls as a speedway rider.
  19. How does the playoff system work again after the regular season?
  20. I suggest you two set up your own programme on TV for Polish League Round-Up on Sunday nights. Imagine Speedway TV!! Are their any possibilties Nicholls we get other rides in Poland?
  21. Thanks that just what I was looking for!
  22. Need an urgent answer! What are the terrace views like at Bydgoszcz? Is it worth getting seating tickets? If terrace views decent, where would suggest seating. Money is no factor.
  23. Its probably for the best! If there is ever a honest person who would rather give up his team place, so not disappoint the fans it would be Floppy. It sounds like one of these injures where all he needs is rest. (someone which doesnt come in demand at Speedway).
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