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About suzi98

  • Birthday 08/05/1963

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    all most anything
  • Age
    not telling
  • Profession
    office worker

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    speedway, fav team poole pirates, wildlife and all animals, driving, holidays, fav places to visit hawaii, alaska, canada, italy .

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  1. Sadly we won't be coming up now, just to far with the weather how it is x
  2. Well done to Kris in the Polish grand prix for getting 2nd place Hopefully will see you in the G.P's properly next season
  3. Well done Brendon look forward to seeing him in the acadamy meetings at Poole
  4. Not expexting someone to stand in the pouring rain, and yes we are capable of working out for ourselves that the meeting was off, but when we left it had been said on here it was definitely on, and we didn't have any rain on the way up to newport until we came off the toll bridge. I have already said more than once that i understand why it was been called off. Thank you for the offer sandie
  5. No i wouldn't have moaned about it, because now i've spent out on fuel to get to newport and back, were as if it had been called off i wouldn't have travelled all the way to newport and back and would of been able to come next week, but like i said i can understand why tim did what he did and you're right what ever he did would of been wrong with someone x Hope it goes well next sunday for you all
  6. Some of us drove up to day from weymouth only to get to newport stadium and find a empty (locked) carpark no vans and no-one from newport speedway and strangley enough no riders vans packing up to go home, i can understand why it was called off but why not have done it yesterday the weather forecast was the same, and when i left here this morning after checking on this thread that said the meeting was definitely on. would imagine the coach full of plymouth supporters might not of been chuffed either, i don't want to see any riders put themselves at risk but someone on the gate to say it was off would have been a nice gesture, not sure if we'll be up next sunday it's a long way to go to have to turn round and come back again. And like i said i do understand why just wish the decision was made earlier x
  7. Hi, just wondered if anyone knew if Robbie Kessler is riding in the new year classic this year, i know he seems too most years but hadn't heard anything yet, thanks
  8. Well done to Christian German speedway champion bet he's well happy who knows we may even see him in the grand prix series, next year, lets keep are fingers crossed
  9. Glad to hear that, shaun deserves a good day, and we're coming up to say thanks for being at poole (even if it wasn't for long) we enjoyed cheering him on xx
  10. Hi there, can anyone help me have looked everywhere and can't find what time shaun's meeting starts, we're staying over in stoke and thought we might come over but need to know what time it starts, thank you xx
  11. Get well soon steve, we're all thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. luv Val, sue and barry cheney xxx
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