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Everything posted by Skider

  1. The practice tonight is NOT open to the public
  2. Seb Kev Claus Anton Rosen Pepe Covatti Alex Or Seb Kev Claus Anton Skidders Sarj Alex
  3. Mike as previously stated we had enough riders to make 2 teams and even up the cup into 2 groups of 3 not ideal i know but seemed the best thing to do for the lads. as for the a & b teams forming 1 for the league, this is correct and we will be using a rotation system for this to give the lads mamimum track time and competitive races. the league cup final double header team will be made up from the team that has rode in the cup matches for the ( team due to unforseen circumstances i have had to use luke ruddick and kieran douglas as guests in previous matches. the team for the final night will hopefully see young ryan morris back instead of kieran douglas. i hope this helps
  4. thats right taffy but there are a hell of alot of riders taking interest in leon and passing on tips and spare equipment it helps that he is a very pleasant and well mannered kid. you of course will be a little biased since you are 1 of his main sponsors this year. team time machine
  5. it was a northern national which had a field of riders from all over Europe in an event that gets shown on tv so it is a pretty big deal and even tai started out somewhere. great to see your supporting the youth.
  6. liam is more than ready and all you doubters im sm sure it will just spur him on. someone has stated that until he is a nl heatleader to leave him alone, well surely by being in the nl riders championship means he is on of the best in league. before starky signed he was a decent second string at best and then with the experiance of berwick ended being dudleys number 1 if you remember the raiders v dudley meeting liam beat starky and was beating steve worral convincingly before he crashed if that doesnt say he is ready nothing does. it has been to long since we have a local in the team and i believe that liam will be as good as the last 1 (meldrum) so how about you all get behind him if he signs instead of doubting him
  7. seb david matty kev doolan claus vissng/claes nedermark anders thomson liam
  8. At last iris someone has something positive to say
  9. And is British speedway at the moment being run by the fim
  10. This is a fantastic opportunity for riders and fans alike to be part of something new I don't quite get why there is so many negative comments on it based on it being run on Tuesday nights obviously rules out the guys riding in Sweden but surely the organisers giving riders the opportunity to earn a little extra money can't be a bad thing and who says they rnt doing it for the love of the sport why not wait to see who will be on the rider roster before you pass comment. As for it being sanctioned by a motor cross federation this is un true it's the motor cycle federation do you really think they would sanction this without doing there home work I for one can't wait to see what happens with it.
  11. I had the unfortunate seat in seeing the trouble, sadly it involved messrs flint,cooper,tully,summers,robertson,mckinna,k morris and the entourage, im not sure if they started it but the stewards and police were involved, why is that these idiots are allowed into the stadium full of drink, there was young children in the crowd that witnessed this happening, these speedway riders and so called speedway riders should hang there head in shame.This was on the top tier of the stadium and could have caused a disaster. Many other fans filmed and took pictures of this so hopefully they will post them on the forum. Disgusted DRK get ur eyes tested u bloody bifkin none of these ppl were involved in this trouble 3 of them were involved in stopin it and tellin the stupid welsh idiots who started it wot complete arses they were so DRK i suggest u stop these slanderes accusations ur bein more of a D*k
  12. Thankfully the tickets arrived this morning, no thanks to IMG who didnt reply to my email! Thanks for everyone who tried to help.
  13. Thanks for the replies. We booked them at the beginning of October on the assumption that most gp tickets are sent out about 10 days before the event. Many people were panicking about the late delivery of cardiff tickets if i remember correctly. We have paid the price for the late purchase having paid the minimum £75 per ticket as all other areas have sold out!! Thanks again! Edit: Yes it was booked through see tickets, will try the email, thanks.
  14. We have ordered tickets for the German GP but with the current postal strikes they havent been delivered yet and tomorrow is the last chance for delivery as we set off for the airport early on Thursday. Does anyone know what can be done if we done receive the tickets in time?? Any advice is appreciated!!
  15. 1st anthony barlow 2nd david meldrum 3rd james mann
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