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MattB last won the day on December 21 2024

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  1. Not just a Birmingham issue either. British promoters have previous for going down the "ignore it and it'll go away" route when it comes to Chinese whispers.
  2. Sad to see. Even though Wolves were invariably beaten there before we even started, it produced some great racing. The epic runoff between Ryan Sullivan and Mikael Karlsson in 96 was an all time classic - probably the best race I've seen live
  3. They're certainly not the first to do it. I've got loads of matches filmed by Mike Bennett at Wolves where how much of the action you saw depended on who happened to be operating the camera at the time. If it was his regular cameraman then you'd see it, but if he was away they used to borrow someone who would normally only film the greyhound racing and they would religiously follow the leader, with Bennett amusingly berating him during his added commentary, "we did try and explain to him not to follow the rider at the front!". If anything, it's the abysmal drone camera that annoys me. It works very well on replays, but there's no need to use it during the live broadcast.
  4. If it was 20,000 then it's still way more than any British club has had for many a long year
  5. Sorry, that's ludicrous. Harris' win in 2007 and Rickardsson's wall of death in 2005 are among the most iconic moments in GP history
  6. The decision itself is not a huge surprise. I went to every Cardiff GP from 2001 to this year's, and 2024 did have the feel of a final visit. However, the way it's been handled stinks. If they had doubts about viability, then drop Cardiff when they set the calendar. To put it in, allow fans to arrange (expensive) accommodation etc, then move the goalposts three months later is a huge own goal.
  7. 1000% this. One of the most disgusting pieces of riding I've seen in 34 years.
  8. I'll never forgive Zagar what he did to Buzz Burrows at Monmore in 2003
  9. Sorry to disappoint you, but Cardiff is still staging GP next year
  10. Struggling to get into this meeting. Poor racing on what is normally the best track in the series
  11. How many falls were there last night?
  12. The Wolves promotion are far too shrewd to start shouting from the rooftop about a site being found before they know there's a realistic chance they can get it - though they've pretty much said it wont be in the Wolverhampton borough. However, I think it's clear that 2025 is a no go unless something changes very quickly.
  13. Rickardsson also won the majority of his titles when you only had 6 rounds and 1 bad GP would kill your chances. Jason Crump had five podium finishes out of 6 in 2001, but a poor Berlin GP cost him the title.
  14. Think that takes a bit away from Brennan to be fair, who was outstanding all night. Given what Cardiff means to Harris, I'm not so sure he'd give up another chance to get back there for one last time.
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