I was there. No one at the track was bored. The first half of the meeting was really good, although it did tail off in the second half of the meeting. It certainly wasn't the worst SGP meeting of the year.
Tom doesn't ride the outside like others, and I think that's hurting him at Ashfield. He defaults more to the inside and it's just not the quickest line most weeks.
Claus also has an unusual line, which I'm sure is one of the reasons he takes someone out once every two meetings.
There's also plenty space to park for free at the bottom of Ashfield Street. No houses on one side of the road, so no residents to get annoyed, which is always nice.
I agree, much though I do like the racing at NSS. I know there is a bias as I do live in Glasgow, but I'd love for the British final to be held at Ashfield - and to be honest, it would be good for it to move around a bit.
There is a public update on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid083CwJ6Sve4F8eUgN8BT7RXqbxp6gWd9s1LPpAJVHgqsSpEtzduyJDBoCVQkkj4JAl&id=100001054358978
Lee’s 2023 average is 4.00, Adam’s is 3.43. So this calendar year, Lee is an upgrade - it just hasn’t filtered through the averages because 20 matches might take until 2030 at the pace of the fixture list.
It's an option, but Marcin and Bomber race quite well together and Marvin's form has been noticeably better the last three meetings - I'd be minded to leave him there rather than risk upsetting it.