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Everything posted by Noelinho

  1. I remember Zaine Kennedy did two celebratory laps when Leicester won the title at Ashfield. Wild. Some spoilsports moaned about that too.
  2. Subliminally seeking backup. You're funny. It's not the first time you've been told that on here, but you keep saying other people are the problem. It's you, and I think you need told. I'm not being nasty, just straight. I'd like to propose we trade a sensible Poole fan, if there are any
  3. Bowen’s brilliant! Leave him alone!
  4. I knew you’d love that. Also, if you didn’t pick a fight with everyone, you’d probably get on better with them too.
  5. Bomber had four wins. Ben had four paid wins. Tarasenko had three paid wins. Tom had two wins. Lee Complain scored in four rides. Two last places between heats 3 and 14. Heats one and two were probably all about being caught out by setup - exactly what probably happened to Oxford last week when they went down early. What do you want?!? Some people's expectations are so far off, it's incredible.
  6. Lee is a reserve. He scores like a reserve. He is doing the job he was employed to do. There was no better rider for the same average. Of course he's inconsistent. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be a reserve. And he has been better recently
  7. Maybe you should run that final you qualified for 12 months ago rather than sitting on your arses resting up. It’s not like Leicester are busy.
  8. And they got soundly beaten by Glasgow who we always hear have no home advantage. I’ve never believed the argument from any side tbh. We all know Poole’s secret is they hide Danny Ford’s Flumps underneath the starting gates.
  9. First, I didn't say anything about Scott - it was someone else. Second, that's not about integrity. That's simply someone's opinion about what should be more important. Obviously, the sensible answer is simply that he will have an arrangement in place and just needs to follow that. I don't think anyone is suggesting he wouldn't. Some people may think riding *should* take precedence over TV, and I think that was the inference that was made.
  10. I didn’t see anything questioning Scott’s integrity. FWIW most of us would rather we got a day Scott and Sam can both do. We like to see good racing and they both provide that.
  11. It would be meltdown in the stands, on Twitter, on Facebook, the Poole fans would be mad we’d wasted Oxford’s time, “the Facennas must have money to burn if they can afford all these rain-offs”, etc, etc.
  12. They got stick for a lot of things, but yes, that too. They were only enforcing the league's policy. The previous year, when they didn't and we're more generous, they got stick for that as well. Makes you wonder why anyone would bother being a promoter really!
  13. It definitely would make things simpler. I'd rather not though! Playoffs aren't the issue. Completing the league fixtures on time is the issue. If that's the last day the fixture can run, can they really have a choice?
  14. Considering the stick the promotion got for the Berwick meeting a couple of weeks earlier (when no rain had even been predicted) and another call off around the same time, no. It rains a lot in Glasgow. It's can also be very localised. They try to give certainty rather than leave people bored and grouchy hiding under a tin roof.
  15. Assuming the requirements don’t change for next year, Lasse has one of the best average discrepancies in the league. His 2023 average is about 0.7 above his rolling average, so if there’s any hope he can match his 2023 average next year, he’s good value. He does seem to always be injured though. I’m not actually 100% I’ve ever seen him race at Armadale come to think of it! Which is probably why I’ve only just noticed his home average is quite weak…
  16. We have to win both matches, so until at least one has taken place, both are equally important. Thursday is out for the Oxford match (Sam Masters), so Friday would be an option. Redcar can't host on Saturday. Sunday is October...
  17. It was a joke post, but the no trophy comment was entirely serious. Personally, I think we should just make a trophy and award it to ourselves. No madder than anything else that's gone on tbh.
  18. I think Glasgow have been proved right now in their view that it “wasn’t going to happen”. I think the fairest result would be to give the trophy to Glasgow. Oh, wait. There probably isn’t even a trophy!
  19. There is an established formula to calculate the winner. It is not “away team takes the points”.
  20. I honestly don’t know what our real crowd numbers are. I’ve heard figures of 1,000 recently. Not sure I believe that. 800 seems more like what I’ve seen, but maybe there are people in places I don’t see. It’s also pointless to count anyone who didn’t have to pay to get in.
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