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Noelinho last won the day on October 14 2023

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About Noelinho

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    Glasgow Tigers

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  1. I used to think that, but now I'm not so sure. He's certainly the source of a lot of views that get banded around, but whether they come from or through him, I don't know.
  2. Exactly this. We just need to convince Cami...
  3. Plenty of us thought it wasn't a playoff team even before Lee's escapade. Starke was a very strange signing and not re-signing Claus was a really obvious miss too. James Pearson was a bit of a gamble but turned out to be a good one, but it sounds like they aren't keen on him for next year. Madness.
  4. If literally anyone could pronounce his first name that would also be progress...
  5. Yeah, as soon as the tractor starting blading, it was clear there was no chance.
  6. You're reading too much into what I'm saying. I'm not sure what made you think I'm saying he's not trying. I'm just saying he should come back because that's what he wants, not because of - or in spite of - the fans. Perhaps the comments betray a slight lack of self-confidence, but you have to learn not to listen too much to fans, because you can go hero to zero and the other way all in one meeting.
  7. Absolutely no signs we are moving up, currently.
  8. I was hearing mid season that we already had an agreement for him coming back next year. We’ll find out in time, I guess.
  9. Not if that's the attitude. We want riders who want to be around. Fans are fickle - produce the goods on the track and of course they'll want you.
  10. We'd love to have him, but I think Poland will put a stop to it.
  11. Glasgow or Workington. Nowhere else comes close, and yes, that includes Belle Vue. Very hard to choose between Glasgow and Workington though. Redcar would have been up there too, but not on the basis of what I've seen this year - which suggests track preparation is very much a skill!
  12. 6 matches for an average. He has an official average, unless they change the rules again.
  13. hmm. I'm not counting KO Cup, but he averaged 8.8 there. You must be counting bonus points?
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