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Everything posted by Ringitsneck

  1. Anyone can ride in an ‘ amateur ‘ meeting. No race licence required ( a day licence can be purchased ) no A.C.U. Ref required, just insurance cover and basic medical cover.
  2. Your opinion is fine, we all have one. Perhaps the organiser should pick better tracks to host the rounds then. I watched all the ones held at Redcar over the last few years ,on a Saturday, on a well prepared track. It was the Organisers choice to run on ‘Elite ‘ Tracks , some of which declined to run them. Diluting the quality of the championship by having them as second half events was a bad idea. The BSPA should still be financially supporting the youth rounds and offering some financial help to entice tracks to host them as individual meetings, just like they used too.
  3. I’ll concede you that one as my informant ( a competitor ) was obviously unlucky in his application for help. He now informs me that the riders now have to pay to enter each Youth ChamPionship round ?, times are a changing and not for the better.
  4. I take it you won’t be impressed when it’s announced then? Riders have already been asked and yes, over two legs! But as no spectators will be attending the only excitement might be the amount of air bags they go through.
  5. Wow! You two do live in fantasy land. For a starters no track is going to put 5K in anybody’s else’s kitty, it doesn’t benefit them so it isn’t going to happen. Eurosport will not chip in either, they’ve paid their dues , they are a business not a sponsor. I doubt more than 3 or 4 tracks will attempt to run any sort of meaningful meeting, amateur meetings make money , anything else needs a crowd to make it viable. look at what the ‘ chairman ‘ is already planning, a meeting ‘ up to ‘ NL standard, meaning the riders pay to enter , receive nothing so no cost to the club. A Scunthorpe amateur select against a Leicester amateur select ,That’s the sort of meetings that will take place.
  6. You obviously don’t follow things very well. Scunthorpe held an amateur meeting last Sunday , Redcar have just announced one, neither with spectators. They are good money spinners for little outlay.
  7. The same BSPA that have sold the rights to Team GB and will not fund British Youth as part of their cost cutting scheme to try and replace the £300,000 they lost on their GTR Engine fiasco? The BSPA who are more than happy to have a private company , Poultec, run the only speedway academy and won’t even pay for the youth team co- ordinator’s expenses to attend Foreign events were our youth riders are sent without any financial support from above. The same BSPA that have access to the ‘ National Stadium ‘ but still hold the big meetings on tracks owned by members of the top table. Don’t hold your breath on them investing any money at all.
  8. Owned by who? the BSPA? Those tracks I’ve mentioned are privately owned.
  9. Allocated pre booked seats in a permanent stand? You must be a Belle Vue or Poole fan ? That’s is not an option at most tracks, Newcastle doesn’t have a seated stand even if we were running anything, think Scunthorpe‘s holds about 40 and Redcars about 200.
  10. Got to feel for Rob Grant. He’s come forward, put his money in , made changes and it all looked so rosey and now this. He’s spent god knows how much and has nothing to show for it. I hope he can take the ‘ hit ‘ as he’s got another 9 months before he can even try and make some back.
  11. Since when did the very few clubs that run amateur meetings ( Kings Lynn, Rye House, Scunthorpe, Redcar ? ) charge admission? I’ve attended 3 out of those four and only every been asked to throw coins in a voluntary bucket at one of them. Not sure who does ‘ on line tickets ‘ of those clubs but if they don’t charge it isn’t an issue.
  12. NL is professional, the riders get paid and the spectators pay, so the guidelines such as they are apply , but who is going to run around Just 4 meetings , in October, with a restricted crowd and guaranteed loss maker?
  13. I don’t think there’s a risk for the half a dozen that watch them. Most of the ‘ onlookers ‘ are family of the youngsters anyway.
  14. Because that won’t be cost effective. Berwick and Redcar running against Ipswich , Belle Vue and Poole who share some of the riders? Not enough riders , not enough fixtures.
  15. We have northern training centres, Dunn’s and Northside. The south has Iwade and Lydd. The BSPA aren’t going to put money into ‘ training centres ‘ whilst they get money from Poultec.
  16. Simple. If there isn’t a crowd there isn’t going to be a meeting. As for the Riders who put thousands into their equipment for this season, as Charles Wright has stated, why go and wear my engines practising for just a couple of meetings to have to spend it all again for next season. I can’t see any meaning full meetings of any notable standard in the UK this year.
  17. GOD FREE was telling people at his amateur meeting yesterday that there would be no Elite or Championship this year as not enough clubs would commit to a shortened season but they hoped to get some National League and British Youth meetings soon . Not sure how he thinks the National League will want to run ?
  18. If the news of Newcastle closing because of the COVID threat to the dogs running then surely all stadiums that stage dog racing are under the same threat?
  19. I hope your not suggesting THJ is spreading false news ? stand by for another THJ epilogue....
  20. THJ has just made it public hasn’t he?
  21. Surely Speedway can not afford to run with limited crowds?, it loses money with what little crowd it gets now.
  22. It appears a lot of you prefer to read forums than the actual releases from the powers that be, the BSPA have a meeting on the 15 th to discuss the issues of starting the season. stand by your keyboards to moan no matter what they tell you.
  23. A typical THJ response, I expected no less. If you can’t remember me speaking to you umpteen times that’s fine, the last argument we had was with Mr.Phillips about certain goings on regarding alleged ‘ sponsorship ‘, But I am instantly forgettable and , unlike you, quite happy to be so. You have never liked being told your wrong but , as Ive already said, your consistent so crack on lad as you do like to be the centre of attention and we all know you “don’t give a flying fig.“ Before you say it...I will crawl back in my hole ....until the next time,.....hopefully on the terraces.
  24. THJ , you don’t like being ‘ outed ‘ but you’ve always been consistent over the years, never short of something to say even if it is somewhat ‘ exaggerated ‘. Standing near you season after season, even at Workington and Redcar has always been amusing but definitely not because of your ‘ jokes’. Still , this team forum would be one hundred pages shorter without your tittle tattle so keep it up.
  25. Reading the Newcastle threads it looks like them and not just for this season. Let’s hope not!
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