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  1. And that is why I suggested wheelchairs and mobility scooters but I've had people replying saying 'Are you saying people should fork out hundreds of pounds for the speedway' To which I have replied on several occasions 'No not just for Speedway but day to day life in general' Then I get another reply with another excuse 'Nobody can afford one' Now surely if the person is in such a bad way close friends and family relatives would all chip in and make sure the person in question gets the assistance needed?
  2. According to google. Q - How long would it take to walk 300 meters? The answer is below. Now taking into account disabilities amongst other things it shouldn't take any longer than 5 minutes which I have said from day 1. Which is why the petition is uncalled for. Some people can do that walk in 2 minutes. 4 minutes top whack is the estimate but I have gone over the top estimate because of certain circumstances regarding some fans. 4 minutes Usually the speed of a normal adult walking casually ranges from 5 to 9 km/h. So for walking 300 meters or 0.3km, the time taken would range from 2 min to 3.6 min. So we can say that it takes 2-4 minutes for an adult person to walk for 300 meters.
  3. Not shocked. Not going to happen so now it's about finding a way to adapt. Plenty of ways both high and low budget. Just have to pick out the route that suits the person in question best. Buster wont change his decision. The petition wont change a thing. It's not ideal but nothing will change.
  4. Another sensible suggestion Take a fold up chair with you that way you can sit down and take a breather after every 50 meters or so. Plenty of ways to adapt. Plenty of ways for a high budget solution or a low budget solution.
  5. Some you've now gone from Blue Badge holders who cant walk 300 meters all the to people breaking a leg playing football. Sorry but you're clutching at straws now. 1. It's a certainty over 80% of Speedway fans' football days are way over. Average age of a British Speedway fan must be late 60's and they are considered to be the younger fans of the bunch. 2. I highly doubt a ton of football players with broken legs will turn up to the Speedway all year round. So I don't even know why you have mentioned that. 3. If I did have a broken leg from football then my decision would be dependent on the weather.
  6. Change will always leave a group of people unhappy no matter what subject it is however in time everyone adapts to the change made. Anger controls people's emotions at the moment some are angry but given time they will calm down. They will go along and enjoy the Speedway just like they have done for many years. People are blowing everything out of proportion. People are acting like the world is going to end. Petition over a 300 meter walk like seriously come on now. May as well call it a PETTYition.
  7. They will. I guarantee it. Excuses. Cant afford to get a wheelchair, Cant afford a mobility scooter, Cant afford an uber, Cant walk 300 meters (5 Minutes), Cant push someone for 300 meters (5 minutes) You cant tell me every blue badge holder is pot less and cant walk for toffee. BB holders - Change your decision to my terms (Barely have to walk) and if you don't change them...…..Then I'm not going to attend anymore. It's either our way or no way. Sounds very petty to me.
  8. I don't have time to google names. I'm to busy replying to posts on here from angry people who cant have a sensible debate. Never heard of the bloke until you said his name. Wasn't the best idea....More like stupid idea. He's ruffled some feathers lol....More like I have ruffled some feathers by speaking up. McDonalds reference again.........................................................You must be lovin it.
  9. They'll turn up. Just throwing a hissy fit but they will still go. They're angry whilst saying they wont go but they will. They will adapt and accept the change made in due time. Just like the remain voters will adapt and accept we've left the EU.
  10. It will. If you stopped being ignorant and woke up for a change you would notice Peterborough amongst many other clubs run at a financial loss per season. So you tell me why Buster should pay out even more money just to people please a select group when the club and Buster is already out of pocket running at a financial loss? Stop being ignorant and realise the times. Money doesn't grow on tree's. Buster cant pay out 24/7 as it's a struggle for any club to break even as it is.
  11. Yes I did say that but that is because It will come in use for day to day life rather than one Speedway meeting now and then. Buster gets a pass because of the situation he cant go to extra expense just to please a few when he's already gone out of his way and spent thousands on saving the club and the premiership altogether. Funds are very tight for all clubs and everyone has to work within a budget. He's not in a position to people please no promoter or club is. He's in a position where he has to fight to keep the club and premiership running. If it means a weak 1-7 then so be it. I would rather have a weak 1-7 then have no club at all for example. I don't know what Buster's thoughts are so I cant comment on that but I will stick by Busters decision making as he personally spent his hard earned money in order to keep the club alive when he really didn't have to as he already had enough on his plate. Along the way we will have good times and bad times. Ups and downs. Some decisions will be popular some wont but I cant turn my back or crucify the man who saved the club. It's just wrong. BB Parking is not a popular decision but it's the decision that's been made by the saviour of the club now it might not be a popular one with a certain group but it's the decision that's been made by the owner and no petition will change it.
  12. Told you the other day. Back up in case of need. I don't blame people. They are free to say whatever they want. I wont hold it against them.
  13. Another one who cant think of a topic related reply. I'm not going to attack you in reply. I don't need to because I have given a constructive post on the topic. Buster must be quacking in his boots 43 signatures and counting. I bet half of those are from people who support Championship clubs and the BB parking has no baring on them. EDIT: That's what they all say. If I had a pound for everytime I read those words I could pay someone £30 a meeting out of other peoples pockets to manage the BB parking situation lol.
  14. Who the hell is Mark Twain. Clutching at straws now aren't you. That tells me you cant think of anything sensible to say in reply to topic related post and that's because there is anything to say as I was speaking the truth. Mark Twain lol. Oh well if that's suppose to be my name then I'll go along with it and play along.
  15. Great idea because Speedway is full of money isn't it? It's not like Buster's spent enough already another £30 a night for 15+ home meetings just to please a few people isn't going to hurt
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