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  1. Just been reading that Scunthorpe v Redcar BSN fixture on Good Friday is a double header with Scunthorpe v Middlesbrough Tigers NDL Fixture. 3pm start. Well done both promotions for making it a worthwhile trip 👍
  2. Just asking, if MPT started this year in the Prem on his Prem Average, how long would it take for his Championship Average to become a converted Prem Average. I think his Prem is 4.8 ish & Champ 7.8 ish but a converted prem to Champ is 6.8ish. May be more attractive depending when the conversion kicks in. I know it’s not explained the best but I hope you get what I am implying 🙈
  3. In the Championship last year Ben Trigger only failed to score in 1 meeting. One of his best meetings for Redcar was at Plymouth. Should be an improvement again this year. I know it will bring Plymouth under a point below the limit but he seems to be the best of the rest, IMO.
  4. Has there been any news/ indication where and when this may be held? eith the CLRC & Pairs being held early, could the BEN F und be run mid season again ?
  5. That will be the same Landshut team that Charles Wright has signed for as well
  6. As you said a couple of weeks ago👍
  7. Think his average will push him up to a high second string. Can’t remember properly but think he was pushing a 6.00 average when he last rode 🤷‍♂️
  8. Would love to see Erik back at Redcar. The Promotion can’t have failed to notice that he got one of the biggest cheers at Redcar last year when it was announced he was going to guest for the Bears for one meeting
  9. I thought they were planning/hoping a fit Nico Covatti would return ? Sure I read this earlier somewhere🤷‍♂️. Also what about James Wright again, seemed to ride the Masters Grasstrack ok, so maybe shoulder ok now.
  10. Gavin Parr said on a podcast this week that Redcar couldn’t do 2H & 2A. Main reason is that Redcar are 1 of 4 Friday night teams & this would mean Redcar had to have 7 off day home fixtures to make it work. 🤷‍♂️
  11. The “rumour” I heard was: Glasgow want Ashton, Ashton wants to go to Glasgow, Oxford say buy him then! Could be a load of crap for all I know, but that’s my rumour 🤷‍♂️
  12. Is that a “ good bye” from Jordan Jenkins this morning. Will be plenty chasing him if it is 🤷‍♂️
  13. As a Redcar fan I have no problems with Vinnies riding, yet 😂. There is another thread on the go regarding Ashton Boughen shutting the throttle off which then begs the question of which is more dangerous, riding throttle open or backing off🤷‍♂️. This will only really be answered when Ashton throttles off and someone behind/challenging crashes. Over to the ex riders on this one.
  14. Unless we have Erik Riss back there is no way we should let Danny go. If possible would take both of them 👍
  15. Poole rumours starting again are they ?🤷‍♂️
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