With regards to Nick Brown MP, he stated when interviewed on television that he was an avid Newcastle
fan and watched Newcastle since 1985, sorry Nick but that was impossible since we were closed that
year after the ruinous season in 1984 when Ian Thomas took us back into the British League.
Fromafar, THJ wrote to me on the 4th May last year to give me the reason why he will not be attending the speedway
at Workington any more and I reported this fact to Steve Park at the time who did ask about him.
As I said to him it is not my place to give his reasons on line on why he has made this decision and my position has not
altered in any way so please do not ask me about this matter now.
Johnnybegood, you will be pleased to know that at the end of the year I will be closing my account on here,
for information I don't drink beer and stick with lager and also my life is my concern and not sad but I am always
interested in what is happening with the sport.
I am sorry to hear that Wolverhampton is closing at the end of the year since it was opened at the same time
as Brough Park and the track layout was an exact copy of our track.
Nickinho, someone who used to follow speedway 1964-2005 but no longer go because the entertainment spectacle I saw every passing year
diminished to a point where I said to myself that is it and spent my money elsewhere.
ianb, Kenny Carter rode for Newcastle in 1978 as reserve and took part in 41 matches with 1 full maximum 5 paid maximums
and ended up with an average of 7.58, he also rode in 16 matches for the Halifax Dukes and ended up with an average of 5.40.
On my way to see a Newcastle away meeting I called in to Kings Lynn Speedway in 1986 where he happened to be riding for the
Bradford Team and it turned out to be his last match because the next thing I read about was that he had shot his wife dead and
then killed himself.
Anyone refusing to take a drugs test should be treated like a drink driving refusal to take provide a breath sample at the road
side or taking a test at the police station and are therefore banned for the maximum time allowed when taking to court.
tyretrax, my condition seems to have got worse since my original planned trip and could have met THJ whilst sitting in my
warm car but when he said he was not going to any meetings in the future, that made me decide not to bother making the
trip over.
No matter how good the set up is at Workington, it sadly will join the Redcar's new track that I've also not been to and get
with other things.
Neila, thanks for invite, unfortunately in later years because of my Type 2 Dibetes my legs are not strong enough for being
on my feet for a long time and need a walking stick to get around also I cannot take being outside even on a warm day.
Neila, I was planning a trip over to meet with THJ at the new Workington Track but later he did say that the situation
had changed since I last sent him a PM and he would not be going to any meetings in the future.
The reason's for this are a private matter between Workington and himself and I don't want to say anything about his reason's
but I did say how sorry I was that things hadn't worked out and so I will not bother to visit the new Track as I did so want
to meet up with THJ.
ruffdiamond, in my time of watching the sport we closed in 1971 when the Stadium Manager at
Brough Park, I think it was Dan McCormick would only allow a 1st division team to ride and so a
new Team was formed and rode at the East Boldon Greyhound Stadium from 1971-1974.
I went only once, because Newcastle Fans we were asked to support a Sunderland Team which had
formly only run part season in 1964 and instead of paying on entrance 6 shillings and 6 pence as
we had at Brough Park they had the cheek to charge 8 shillings and 6 pence for 2nd division Team.
It was against the Rayleigh Rockets and not surprisingly Sunderland lost their opening meeting and
I never went again until Newcastle re-opened under Ian Thomas in 1975.
StevePark, you are missing the point of my posting, I have no objection to any one doing the jobs you have listed for
the Promoter because he must have someone responsible before a meeting is allowed to run.
What I objected too are the people who do not have a listed job but still expect to get in for nothing and will find ways
of getting round that problem so that they can continue to watch free speedway.
StevePark, I don't understand your logic in saying without Free-Bees meetings would not start, most of them do nothing in the
running of any meeting.
The people who got me annoyed waited until the opposition rider arrived in the stadium car park and jumped into Riders van and
were taken through the pit gate without paying or are known to one of the second half rider's who are looking to ride after the main
meeting so likewise they can get in for nothing..
Neila, that has been my biggest gripe about speedway when I was an active Supporter and the
people who got in for nothing were not happy when I dared to say anything bad about many things.
Do these Free-bees not realise not realise that not paying for admission is one of reasons why
so many clubs are not around now, yes an attractive strong side helps is the main one but what will
these people do when there is no speedway to watch.
I posted a little earlier that I would like to pop over from Newcastle to have look at the new set up
but unfortunately this will not happen now as I've been told that my car needs a part front end respray.
This is because some nice driver bumped the offside lower part panel on my car and sprung the body
work which I thumped back in shape but after a trip to my body repair garage because it also took off
some outer paint work and this needs repainting to repair the obvious white streak on my main body
colour which is dark blue.
This will set me back nearly £350.00 and as I'm not claiming on my insurance, I have to stand the cost
myself also I do have other things to pay for out of my works and state pension money that sadly means
I have to drop my planned trip to Workington for now.
Like Diamonds85, I am looking to pop over sometime when the weather is warmer, I have not been to Speedway for quite a while and found that
as I'm now 75, I feel the cold very much and my legs are not great, so if I can find somewhere sit down using my folding camping stool and watch
the racing, I'm willing to give it a go.