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MartinBSN last won the day on September 6 2023

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  1. Both league cut offs were in the same week. The Championship final will still be in the same week as the Premiership one.
  2. Thanks for all the kind words guys! It really is appreciated, and the sole reason we do what we do! Not only can you skip, if you hit the heat number in the programme below the video it jumps straight to the start of that heat* *however this won’t be available tonight as it’s not set for 30 heats!!
  3. This isn’t an option I’m afraid. That’s a Discovery thing. We are working on this over winter though!
  4. He’s very busy with his businesses. He was however on last Friday and will be on again this Friday.
  5. Berwick are currently one of the highest paying clubs in the league
  6. No guarantees is a rule now but it is vastly ignored and no way of stopping it
  7. Id beg to differ. A survey taken in 2021 by over 1000 people suggested that the majority didn’t want what is normally spouted on here as “the fans view”
  8. Fans will be told once everything is confirmed at the AGM like every sport ever. Why would they need to come out and tell you the league structure is going to be the same? Only fans have made the assumption that it would ever be one league. Pre-discussions are had every year and tend to determine the direction the sport is going. Do you think they all sit around until November to then find out what’s happening with their company?!
  9. We are indeed. Hopefully get a bit further up the M6 this time!
  10. It’s pretty mad they can’t be used in a protected heat when they have to be under a 4 point average anyway, the kind of rider a protected heat is aimed at!
  11. I disagree. The track was too wet prior to put track covers down. The base needs to be bone dry for track covers to work otherwise they pull the moisture to the surface.
  12. It rained quite a few times at the track on Tuesday. A fairly heavy shower at 3pm really threatened the meeting after on off showers all morning.
  13. Personally I wouldn’t say anyone bunched. Pijper went into the corner last and hit Atkins dirt deflector from behind
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