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  1. Makes perfect sense to me. He's pointing out facts. The teams with the disadvantage of the weakest RS are at the top end of the league. The teams with the advantage of the strongest RS are at the bottom end of the league. Therefore, the relative strengths of the RS are pretty insignificant in the scheme of things.
  2. STATEMENT FROM BRITISH SPEEDWAY PROMOTERS LTD We would like to clear up a misunderstanding amongst Speedway supporters regarding the appointment of Phil Morris to oversee the Premier League and its play-offs. When we appointed Phil Morris "to fix" British Speedway, it seems that some fans have stupidly misunderstood our use of the verb "to fix" These imbecile fans thought we were using the verb "to fix" in the sense of "to repair; mend; to put in order or in good condition". (e.g. the plumber fixed the leaky toilet) The BSPL would like to clarify that we were of course using the verb "to fix" in the sense of "to arrange or influence the outcome or action of, especially privately or dishonestly" (e.g. Vladimir Putin fixed the American election). It is clear to anyone with half a brain that we never intended for Phil Morris to repair, mend, or put the sport in good order. We hope that fans will now fully understand that Phil Morris has indeed successfully fixed the Premiership. Meanwhile the BSPL toilet is still leaking.
  3. Why don't we just give Birmingham the league trophy? After all, they tried their best! And if all teams are in agreement, what's the issue?
  4. If Neil, the announcer, is now a woman, that is certainly the biggest news from this meeting!
  5. But you haven't explained where the mistake in the current table is.
  6. How have all 3 teams raced 7 matches? Did one match only have one team in it? And that team must have lost against no opposition, since 9 matches have been won and 10 matches have been lost!
  7. Think the poster just wanted to be disrespectful to Nathan Ablitt, Luke Harrison and Mickie Simpson. They have a history of writing factually incorrect drivel trying to denigrate the NDL, which in reality just makes them look foolish.
  8. Don't worry. Osborne has no intention of going through the red tape.
  9. Surely no one is gullible enough to believe this?
  10. You can't have been there, since your description of Tate's crash is completely wrong. Nothing to do with a wide line, nor dirt near the fence. Rew was on the inside of Zischke and got out of shape and hit Zischke, straightening him up. Nothing intentional from Rew, just a racing accident, and nothing to do with the wide line and nothing to do with dirt near the fence. And if you'd ever been to NSS you'd know it's the complete opposite to a one-line follow-the-leader track.
  11. Believe King's Lynn declared a full team to BV for the programme, but have since said that Klindt isn't fit and Wright will guest.
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