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  1. Much as I would like to see a new track reopen, I find this idea of a loan from the SRBF to a private business, to be in very bad taste. What would the Charity Commission think of a charity gambling with injured riders' money in this way?
  2. Who even holds the promoting rights to Mildenhall? Isn't it Lee Chipchase and Greg Palmer? Because we're hearing nothing from them. The main character in all this seems to be someone with a dubious past who presumably would never get any kind of official's licence from the BSP.
  3. If you wanted to run Swindon in the NDL, and you owned a perfectly functional, equipped stadium, like the Abbey Stadium, why would you not already be running it there? Would you really invest in building a new stadium just to run at the amateur level? That's not going to give a satisfactory return on investment.
  4. You only have to read Clarke Osborne's profile on that joke of a website to know the man is a compulsive liar.
  5. You've not come across Clarke Osborne before, have you?
  6. Sounds almost as good as the Reading "Racino" and the "Greatest Speedway Stadium of the modern era at Bristol"* * copyright Clark Osborne Of course, once the Abbey Stadium is finally demolished, it will be discovered that this new site is the home of a rare species of squirrel which can't be disturbed, and sadly the new stadium can't be built..
  7. Bit strange that Armadale are so slow naming their team. All the other 5 teams are fully named, and so are the 5 Trophy teams, so there's nothing to gain by keeping things secret. All they're doing is denying their riders the chance to get out there and say "Will you sponsor me, I'll be riding for Armadale"
  8. Surely he'd prefer 'king Kenny Bjerre as the final rider?
  9. Is it? I hadn't heard anything about Mildenhall being sold.
  10. I believe there have been proposals to name the stand after Mort, but it was Mort himself, being a modest man, who refused it.
  11. Chris Morton also an MBE. Promoters Johnnie Hoskins and Ronnie Greene also honoured. Ivan Mauger is the only rider to also receive an OBE.
  12. But the press release DOES clearly say Poole were invited and they accepted. So to then back out 2 months later is poor form from Poole. “It’s good to have all the teams in the KO Cup, including Oxford this time, and we felt it would be great to have eight clubs competing with no byes, so Poole were invited in as Championship champions, and they accepted. “They will be given a concession to build to Premiership level whilst keeping the majority of their team, and should there be any rider clash, the Premiership team would take priority.”
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