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Everything posted by Diamonds85

  1. I know that. Nico is one of my favourite riders of all time. But from what I'm aware, he's got a really good job and life in Italy and only races there now and wouldn't consider a return elsewhere. Or that is what I last heard a few years ago.
  2. I would love that, but will he ever actually ride outside of Italy again?
  3. Team getting announced tonight? Any surprises or are all the rumours true? Are the Colts being announced tonight also?
  4. How would they enforce the single meeting only tickets though? Just announce after heat 15 of the first meeting 'Right anyone who didn't pay for the second meeting get out' and everyone is honest Or perhaps even arrange the fixture lists to avoid this happening in the first place!! Hmmm
  5. I'd have Blodorn over Wright anyway... Especially if Charles is coming back from a serious injury.
  6. The one in the Premiership section is the same one that was used last year but just edited by the OP. So it hasn't already been pinned this year as it was done last year instead.
  7. I assumed he was a troll based on his comments, I don't really come on here very much anymore though, so I've never heard of him... Yet. Good laugh though
  8. What in gods name are you talking about This team in brilliant and the addition of Maciej to British speedway (not to mention the return of Nicolai and Rohan) are huge... Charles and Bomber are great riders also and the reserves look strong (Assuming Boughen doesn't burn himself out after a big start to his career, but even if he did there's a few RS options out there still)
  9. Well... He hasn't, he's just written off Scunthorpe
  10. Not if you ask Harrison snr... As of a few weeks ago anyway
  11. As a Diamonds fan it pains me to agree... But I do. 1. Tobias Musielak 2. Charles Wright 3. Niels Kristian Iversen 4. Benjamin Basso 5. Vadim Tarasenko 6. Michael Palm Toft 7. RS Good looking team imo. Not title contenders, but good nonetheless
  12. You don't average 1.692 in the Ekstraliga by not being one of the world's best... He finished higher than riders such as Bartosz Smektala, Jaimon Lidsey, Vaclav Milik, Kacper Woryna, Chris Holder, Pawel Przedpelski. Not bad. Sitting JUST behind Andzejs Lebedevs and Piotr Pawlicki...
  13. Buszkowski would be a welcome addition to British speedway as well though? Much better than some of the 'heatleaders' we already have over here... no offence to them. We need to be realistic, not all the big GP riders are gonna come here, so riders like Vadim and Krzysztof are ideal. Middle order Ekstraliga is pretty good for this country... There's a lot of good names that he finished higher in the averages for in Poland.
  14. It's funny how many people on here underestimate just how good Vadim Tarasenko is just because they've seen him once on a British track he's never raced on before He's one of the world's best and it's an honour to have him racing on our shores that's for sure. An average just under 7 is daylight robbery for whichever team gets him imo. Also is Patryk Wojdylo a realistic rider to return? I hope so, he looks like a brilliant rider
  15. Not a fan of him but he's one hell of a rider and a brilliant team man
  16. People can be two separate personalities inside and outside of work I guess it can be the same with speedway riders during and not during speedway meetings...
  17. Although Matt Petgrave is a very dirty player and has been the leagues villain since he joined Sheffield, I wouldn't say that he ever got on the ice with the intentions of killing another player. Yes, he is a very rough player, delivering a lot of dirty hits and racking up the most penalty minutes in the league. I've said everytime I visit Sheffield, it's only a matter or time before he gets a big suspension or seriously hurts someone. Although watching the incident, he does wave his legs in the air, which is of itself is very dangerous, I don't believe he ever had the intentions to do what he did... Although I do realise that's not going to stop him being charged if the case goes down that path...
  18. Can't believe they've dropped Tobi for any of these lot... Hope they finish bottom next year
  19. If you think Manchester is vibrant... What do you think of Bradford? Practically heaven on earth ey? So what, the Brit fans 'have' to travel 400 miles... I personally see it as a holiday but oh well What about the Swedish fans? The Danish fans? The Aussie fans? They all have to travel too... Yeah, it would be good for the sport in this country... But it's not exactly an interesting and exciting holiday destination for anyone within the uk or from outside the uk... Just boring. Speedway in this country is dead, it has already been run into the ground by greedy hands, so I'd rather go watch it elsewhere thanks...
  20. Well if that is the case then brilliant Let's hope there's no corruption... HAHAHA
  21. I seriously hope not... Track is good aye. But the stadium size, facilities and surrounding area would be a disaster. Only one hotel within walking distance, the nightmare of Manchester's public transport... Honestly wouldn't want it held here... Would rather it was in Poland again in an actual nice city with a stadium which is capable of holding such an event
  22. In regards to the £3,000 fine that Richie had to pay (rightly or wrongly I don't care to debate) Is this money going into the running of the sport in the country, the development of youth and facilities... OR is this money being spent on the promoters p!ss up in Tenerife... This sport is ran by complete and utter tw@ts, so I think I know the answer... But I'm open to be proven wrong...
  23. Speedway fans like to complain about losing riders due to limitation in team building but it's not the only sport it happens in... The salary cap in the NHL means that teams have to move on from big players all the time, buy them out, ship them off to other teams around the league, asset management and keeping the players that's best for the club is all part and parcel of the sport, it's the same with speedway. I would rather there be some sort of team building system in place and have the teams SOMEWHAT level with eachother as opposed to Poole, Glasgow and Oxford signing all the big names and letting the smaller teams scrape up what's left at the bottom of the barrel. Aye the team building isn't ideal, but it's better than nothing...
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