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Everything posted by 2ndbendbeerhut

  1. He would say that! So if one type are wrong then surely they would have to put it right. However there would have been some sort of sign off to produce them, question is who agreed? Tru7 use the mustard colour in their media and Danny King's bike is also same colour. However Tru7 sponsored Holder Ward and Bachelor in GPs and their suits used the bright yellow!? Whichever is correct or wrong doesnt matter... Just need to be all the same
  2. Witches 2016 riding order: 1. King 2. Sarjeant 3. Kerr 4. Risager 5. Covatti 6. Castagna 7. Ritchings 8. Hume
  3. I think today's press and practice at Foxhall will be mostly press!
  4. See what you saying but maybe that's how long it will take!
  5. So last years sponsors get a mention but this years don't... Cant think tru7 would be too happy? Anyone else think it seems strange that nothing being mentioned about them? No new website either and signs at Foxhall have been updated to say 1st meeting vs Scunthorpe but Sackers on sponsor board and no tru7. Suppose we find out on weds..
  6. Knowing speedway this years suit will still say Sackers and have gaffer tape holding on a tru7 logo over the top!
  7. So the guys in charge of speedway in the UK (Bspa) have said Glasgow can hold a British Semi final on the Friday. But Edinburgh have said they can't and the Bspa have relented? So who's really in charge then?
  8. Personally i'd give the youtube route a wide berth, its youtubers that are causing major rifts in the Kodi community! Cockney Rebel you have a pm
  9. From 2015 regs: 16.3.3 A Rider in a Team's declared 1 - 7 at the end of the previous Season and not included in that Team’s new Season’s initial declaration may not be subsequently re-introduced into that Team without the express permission of the MC. Looks like they must have asked then..... Ps Rule 16.2.9 An EL or PL Rider starting the season with an Assessed MA will have an Established MA after 4 Home and 4 Away fixtures, becoming effective 7 days after the last qualifying Meeting. Should an Established MA not be achieved in order to be effective from 1st May, then the MC may issue a revised MA, based upon actual rides if the Team re-declares.
  10. Alot of the add ons will not currently work with "Jarvis" and you may have to downgrade to get them to work.
  11. Would have liked to have seen a challenge between Kings Lynn and Ipswich to start the season. With Bachelor in the side it would have been a close meeting or 2 IMO. If not S Lambert could replace NKI and still close!
  12. Hadn't noticed them before when all the trees were there. Certainly looks very open now with what I believe 9 out of 10 trees now cut down.
  13. I normally do! Only noticed those at the Foxhall Rd end today, and didn't go past Bell End.
  14. Dont forget all the trees they have cut down around the stadium due to a health and safety issue. Also i noticed today that there are now big signs up on the access road from Foxhall Road saying "car park £2"
  15. And by not watching on Bt Sports also has the added bonus of not having to put up with their dodgy ex-footballers being commentators or pundits! Glad you happy with your "investment" Steve
  16. Lots going on at the moment in the Android / Kodi world. The main issue is the charging for Addons that work on Kodi. NEVER pay for addons or special 'builds' they are all free! Also big thing about people using the name 'Kodi' on YouTube with lots being taken down as 'Kodi' is a trademark that has nothing to do with the Addons that allow users to watch TV. You might want to search YouTube for help but better to use Kodi forums or twitter instead.
  17. Maybe thats it, just can't remember him giving it his all when riding at Foxhall... however put him on a bigger track and a Polish quick bike then he will do well. tbf he's a bit like Jarek Hampel, super quick when his head is ok, but can both look a bit "novicey" when not gating. Should do ok at Swindon, but time will tell if riding in 3 leagues will take their toll.....
  18. Ipswich provided accommodation for some of the Poles they used.... And a nice caravan it was too!
  19. Super Nico! Looks like Stachyra is in his Witches suit.
  20. it did years ago when Ipswich had an All Star team
  21. Kodiland is a new add on which charges the user to watch "their" content, however they have borrowed all of the code from "ukturk" and "phoenix" addons! At the weekend a few of the Add ons were targeted and have since vanished!
  22. Hey Baldyman...isn't it a case of what happens in Old Newton...stays in old Newton?
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