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Everything posted by 2ndbendbeerhut

  1. had his leg taken away, didn't know Horley or Turnbull worked in Poland too!
  2. haha yeah he did, hey its Polish tv so no one will understand his "English" Him and Drabik just went past their opposition like they standing still! ouch! hope Doyle and Wozniak ok, lucky the bikes didnt follow them into the fence... phew both up!
  3. You mean there's a rulebook for such things!? Wink
  4. And Kerr is at Swindon. With suitable guests could have had a Witches win
  5. by the looks of it the botox not making him faster, least he consistant !!
  6. But has done ok when riding at Eastbourne in the past? can't be too different? Anyway, speedway is a numbers game and no loyalty these days from either side? Teams need to stick with riders and visa versa..
  7. just hope he rides like he did for us last year when guesting!
  8. Short term thinking.... All that effort to probably only break even... What's the point?
  9. They could but that would take some effort....
  10. Does Holder have to ride in the UK to gain a work permit and reside here? Or does it change as his "missus" is British and has a family here?
  11. Think we all just about had enough but like lemmings keep going back as that's what we do on a Thursday! However with only 2 meetings this month others will be lost as will have found something else to do that day. Years ago nobody would ask me to do anything on a Thursday as they knew I would not be free. Now though plans can be made as chances are there no meeting! Oh for the "good old days"
  12. I believe that when the car racers are at Foxhall then Spedeworth brings along a new sound system and speakers to go along the back straight... I'll ask to see what happened last night.
  13. New averages (2016 matches only) King 8.67 down 0.87 Covatti 8.00 up 0.45 Risager 6.67 down 0.19 Kerr 6.12 down 0.73 Sarjeant 4.91 up 0.03 Castagna 2.71 down 0.62 Ritchings 1.88 down 1.12 Total 38.95 down 3.05
  14. Always knew it would be a strange night once Risager overtook 2 riders in the same heat! Well done Morten BTW! King Risager and Castagna all rode at least a point above their aves. Ritchings and Sarjeant a point below. Kerr .5 below Difference last night was Covatti only scoring 3.(worst home score asca Witch?) 4 more from him would have seen a win.. People want to be entertained. On and off track. It's cold. Team are struggling. No regular THURSDAY speedway. All adds up to poor attendences.....
  15. How about a led in the grips of the handlebars that can be switched on so the person looking across sees the light and the tapes get touched?! Wink
  16. speedwaygp website has some info under the Riders tab and Crew Equipment. Dont know how upto date it is though...
  17. Valentine's day meal at Baldy's must be a delight for his date!
  18. Not too bad a display from ex Witches today either. Bobby Misko scoring 13 for Lodz. Gollob not lost his battling qualities in a win against Wroclaw. Not bad eh Baldy? Hume 9+1 from 4 and Ritchings 8+1 from 5 at rye house
  19. Thought it looked down IMO. Also Saturdays won't happen whilst there are still stock cars around.. .
  20. Rule 15.14.1 If a rider is disqualified for an offence under Art 15.3 (A Starting offence is committed where if a riders motorcycle touches or breaks the tapes while the Green Starting Light is on) or a non-disqualified rider is unable to take part in a re-run (FN) then the place may be taken by a Reserve or another qualified rider. So why was James Sarjeant put of 15m in heat 15? Good job it didn't matter! Anyways it was a good meeting and well done to both Sarj on a great display and Paco for 1st heat win and another paid win. BTW it was Baltic!
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