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Everything posted by 2ndbendbeerhut

  1. And again.... Hancock is not at the tapes and gets away with it! How far away is his front wheel from the tapes?!
  2. Gate 3 has a win and 2 2nds..... shocking gate And Holder picks it for semi instead of 4....
  3. What's with Hancock's front wheel? Not the colour but has far less spokes than normal
  4. Forgot to mention how well Danyon Hume did to lay his bike down in heat 4 when Douglas fell in front of him
  5. Superb by Holder there... a lost art to lay the bike down like that, a move that should be taught as part of getting a licence
  6. AJ did well to stay on there... why does a rider have to fall for a rider to be excluded?
  7. Maybe we could use video evidence to get the appropriate punishment for him..... Wink (nothing to see here)
  8. Forgot to say that Wallner rode in an all Yellow helmet cover rather than yellow and black last night... #whatrules!?
  9. Big 'eds are custom made by me with help from mini Hut! Been thinking I should open a track shop on the back straight.... maybe there's an idea! Wink
  10. Meeting was quite poor and not helped by all the falls. Palm Toft looked to come to an abrupt halt on the 4th bend but seemed ok in the pits at end of meeting. Barker had a bit of a limp after his primary chain came off in 13, but still won 15. King still unbeaten at Foxhall for a few weeks, bike 2 just as good as the 1st after that engine exploded at start of 13. Risager went unbeaten too. Covatti a bit down, Jacobs and Sarj maybe didn't fill their boots as they should? Hume maybe trying too hard on a track that seemed a bit more bumpy and grippy on inside than normal. Onwards and upwards to the weekend where a few points are needed, if and it's a big if we do sneak into the play offs I think we will be the team in form and possibly 1 that will be feared by the rest.... Nice to be joined by Kevin for a few heats. At least we could hear him! Think he could hear us from centre green though! Big 'eds went down well, thanks to the riders for signing them, Hawkins too. Now for next week, new ideas needed....
  11. Have fun "absent friends" im sure Maccas new megaphone will make up for the noise!
  12. Yup watered the garden nicely. Might need to recruit some more for tonight on the back straight. No taps (getting his allover tan sorted) No SB (getting his health sorted) No Baldy (well, he be there but can't update and make noise... u know what men are like Might have to give some zombies a horn or 3! Few surprises in store tonight too... All will be revealed later!
  13. I'm horny.... horny horny horny! Anyone want to join the fun plenty to go round!
  14. Then ya can use the £2 for an extra 2 mins in Rhinos.....
  15. Oh old Baldy back.... all singing, all dancing, glass half full one has gone...
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