Out of Graversen and Tungate... who will better their current sub 4 point Ave? Tungate should be a 7 point man at least with not too much bother. Graversen will have to have the season of his life to get that 7 point mark....
Since Revolution signed up the Jawa engines they have gone downhill. First King leaves. .. then Kerr struggles last season and leaves too. This year Bridger is struggling aswell. Must be related somehow but Lasse Bjerre on Jawa seems to be ok.
Thats 💩 then... so does that mean he will be at Ipswich instead?
Should seed the under 21 champion into the final. Lots of "Old hands" in there and how will they get experience if not able to be in these matches?
Strange that British Champ not seeded to final
Of those Liam Carr is lowest Ave 4.69 so anyone above gets in!?
Don't know what Boxall's is though
Strange that the "draw" has put most of northern riders there....
Thank God for an away rider showing how it's done then Badge!
Whooooohooooo water truck.... but watered the blue groove....
Finally a proper pass in heat 6! 😐
The track was not a ploughed field on sat. Grippy yes as there has been a lot of clay added to it over the winter. But a ploughed field no. As for today's track being a slick one liner... what's the point in that? Gate and go and the One line might as well be scalextric track !
Which on Saturdays showing isnt necessary as not being used to its full potential 😕
Will need to score well today to prove the doubters wrong. Teams are normally setup to please the home fans as very few care about what goes on away as not there to witness.
Here's to a good meeting today slick or grippy ( not a ploughed field as previous seasons )